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Moving to Perth in less than 4 weeks

Guest twinsmom65

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Guest twinsmom65



Haven't been on for a while, as trying to sell the house and deal with the lovely visa issue.


Well house is sold, closes October 3rd, got our 176 visa on Sept 12th and are booked to fly out from Toronto on October 20th.


Only 2 more days at work then I am done. Was getting a little stressed looking for short term accommodation, but it looks like I have found a place to live at least for a month, to give us a chance to look around our new home city, and look for jobs.


If anyone has any useful tips for us on arrival, it would be greatly appreciated.


We have never been to Australia before, so it will be a big move for us.


Take care



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Guest kelinperth

hi karen,


i know it's gonna be a tree change for you...i was here one year ago but good thing i have friends who helped me...which suburb are you staying in?


a good start will be to go into http://www.whereis.com this website will tell you what's around the place that you are staying (such as shopping centres, directions, etc). Other info on http://www.aussiemove.com and http://www.truelocal.com.au will be helpful to locate essential places like car rental and topics on migration


if you are looking for on-going rental, you can go onto http://www.realestate.com.au / http://www.reiwa.com.au and if you are looking to build a new house, maybe my company will have something for you as they are in land sales


for jobs, http://www.seek.com.au or http://www.careerone.com.au


for public transport go to: http://www.transperth.wa.gov.au


hope that helps a bit!



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Cheers Kel


Your a star, I will take a peek.


Thanks again.... Becky

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