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icing on the beep beep cake !


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Well have been posting on here for a while now about a year I think. Some may know who my hubby works for on a sponsored 457 visa, and the lack of support etc shown when he arrived. We have had a rough ride over the last couple of months since arriving in Australia we thought things were finally settling and coming together. Then bang on returning to site on Wednesday to be greeted with the news his company has lost the contract on the mine site he works. Resulting in much uncertainty, one month from Monday no employees of the company working there. For us a rough time ahead redundancy looms resulting in 28 days to find another sponsor or we have to pack up and leave. Hopefully he will be redeployed else where, but management say only 20 fitting jobs within Oz with them, we should know in 2 weeks how kind of this company.


How on earth if we have to leave do you pack up a life in 28 days it took a lot longer than that to organise that to come here. We have used part our savings to ship our belongings over, purchase a car and numerous items eg washing machine fridge freezer bla bla we have paid 6 monts rent up front, taken on a 12 month lease, taken on a 2 year contract for landline and broadband. We are legally responsible to pay this up if we go. Where the money is going to come from I do not know. But on the up side the company will pay for flights home yippity do da................


I have tenants in both my homes back in the UK who I have to give notice of 2 months to vacate.......... which one we go back to depends on a lot. I am so glad we didnt sell up I to get here like some people do. This is the wisest decision ever we have made.


So point of the post Merry BEEPING XMAS to the company who sponsored us ..................................... Oh and to top it all I have our first rental inspection on Tuesday and my dyson has died on me hubby away at work for next 12 days yahooooooooooooooooooo I cry. Normally I would shrug this off as no doubt he will be able to repair it clever person that he is but today its decimated me regardless to say. Thank god a bottle of gin costs too much here ..............

love n light folks

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An absolutely awful position to be in, I really don't like these temporary visa's my OH's company has recently dismissed two people on them. I know I wouldn't have come out on one especially having children with us. This must be such a worry, I really hope he does get employed somewhere soon, I have a horrible feeling we are going to be hearing of this sort of thing happening more and more. Good luck to you, there is a guy on here, I cant remember which one but he is in the mining recruitment, maybe put out a thread looking for work?

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Good luck with it all .. i do feel for you , i have a friend who's husband had 40 made redun 2 weeks ago ( no notice ) and then last week him and another load have been given theirs as well .. so distressing for people :{


Do not think it would be so bad if we were in the UK as my job was 100 percent secure and paid well, plenty of mentally unwell folks where I lived unfortunately. Plus would not have to pay extortionate rent as owned own home and would still have had a lot more savings behind us so would have ridden it out very well. Plus hubby is know in his field and would have had a job offer within 2 weeks max always the same. Here its a different ball game unfortunately

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Oh God, how awful. I really feel for you. We started this journey more or less together (i lurked for a long time before joining). I too am the spouse on a 457 visa, but not in the mining sector. When i arrived it Perth, i loved it the place immediately, but i did feel as if it is a place living off the mining sector, a bubble that could burst very soon, and maybe thats what happening now. Like you, we didnt sell our house, but even if we had, there was no way i was going to sink in straight into the Oz economy.

At the end of the day youve got to hand it to the government here. They make you pay every step of the way for the privalage of being here. Not like the Uk, where its come in...the doors open, get whatever benefits you want.

You are so right about the rental market here, and truthfully it could be the one thing that sends me back to the UK.

Thankfully we didnt ship much, but i did give up a good job in the NHS, how sad is this...i really miss it. Finding getting a good job, with a decent pay so hard here, even with 25+ years experience. Im totally young at heart and can give as good as any young un but its a young persons game here in WA.

I wont throw the towel in yet. My advice to anyone in the Uk reading is come, its bloody brill, but if you can, dont burn too many bridges. Let the ties go slowly, come and see how you like it, how you get on in your job, wether its truely for you.

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Guest Tony4052

Mary, your hubby might well still be able to take up the offer he had previously.... will need to get in quick though as we are now almost full.... Good Luck with whatever you guys choose to do.

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== Sorry to double-post (I know I can edit previous, but I want to make sure question is visible) ==


@ Tony4052 : What do you mean by "will need to get in quick though as we are now almost full" ? Are you in the recruitment business? Perhaps part of the HR department somewhere? Do tell, thank you.

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Mary, your hubby might well still be able to take up the offer he had previously.... will need to get in quick though as we are now almost full.... Good Luck with whatever you guys choose to do.



thanks Tony its looking like he will be transferred to another site fortunately .............. but thank you :o)

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Guest Baptistcare

We conduct sponsorship in a number of areas, usually in Aged Care but I do know of a few instances where we have sponsored Mental Health professionals.


Our Mental Health program is expanding so dependant on your qualifications you could be eligible for sponsorship if there is a role that fits you/us.


If you want to discuss further please send me a PM.

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Well transfer has been offered and accepted thank goodness. Actually doing the job he was interviewed for all those months ago ..................

On the upside he had a massive tax refund because the young blonde NUMPTY in the hr office did not apply for his tax file number when he did his induction on arrival.

So for the 7 weeks here paying half his weekly wage in tax this covers the cost of shipping belongings home, thank you Australian tax system.:biggrin:

The goddess certainly smiled down upon us this last week.

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We conduct sponsorship in a number of areas, usually in Aged Care but I do know of a few instances where we have sponsored Mental Health professionals.


Our Mental Health program is expanding so dependant on your qualifications you could be eligible for sponsorship if there is a role that fits you/us.


If you want to discuss further please send me a PM.


Regards and thank you for your reply

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That's great news Mary. Glad the job has worked out and you got the early Christmas present with the tax refund. They always come in handy.


Must admit I do keep hearing stories of 457 workers getting screwed over by the employers.




Have to say I would not recommend a 457 visa to anyone. For myself it leaves me able to work for anyone apart from a government job. What I did in the UK I have not had any luck in obtaining work I am now back full circle in my career by 20 years but its work and keeps me occupied. We are fortunate we have our homes in the UK we can go back and most prob will in a few years. For some especially younger people with families they sell up and come over hoping for a better future. The little equity they have they spend on setting up here within 2/3 months and bang nothing left. Since we have arrived we have spent out each of the 5 months here despite shipping our belongings. The employer my husband is sponsored by is a crock of ............ many untruths told by them and the recruitment company in the UK. From the day he set foot here they have not been very organised or supportive basically he was dumped right in the proverbial ........... Looking back we should have pulled the plug on this when the promise of paying to relocate our belongings was withdrawn then as soon as the visa was granted we could not fly out together. The result me left to pack up the house then falling and breaking my leg hence a delay for me by 8 weeks hindsight is a wonderful thing. Not all employers who sponsor on a 457 are like this I am sure. I think our experience is unique because there are success stories. For people in this situation it is an extremely worrying time. But for now we are safe plus the extra security that thanks to the Oz tax system we have the money to ship our things home if the inevitable happens. Plus side if they do make him redundant they have to pay out a lot of money we have found out ........ and they certainly wont do that ...........

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