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leicster u.k to perth w.a

Guest plumb/pom

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Guest plumb/pom

hi every one we are a family of 4 moving to the ocean reef area, hopefully after xmas and was wondering is there anyone from leicestershire in the area or anybody really who can give us some friendly advise :D

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Guest Kym_and_James

Hi there. Not from Leics, but used to live there with my partner. He is the pom and I'm his aussie visa ticket. ;) LOL


I lived in a village nr Loughborough for 2 years and he's been out in Perth with me for 4 years.


Good luck with it all, :)

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Guest plumb/pom

:Wub:Hi there! thanks for your reply we live in Quorn near Louughborough do you no it?! Were just waiting for our visas at the moment so are living very much in limbo! We visted Perth earlier on in the year and loved it, where abouts are you living? and can you offer us poms any tips!

Look forward to hearing from you

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Guest Kym_and_James

Absolutely. Love the guinnes pies at the Quorndon Fox. ;)

I lived in Hathern, other side of Loughborough...


I grew up in High Wycombe, in the foothills, nr Kalamunda (east of the city).


When we were renting we lived in Bentley, Belmont, and Rivervale. Close to the city but very suburban. Close to shops and work but not much else.


Now we have bought a house in Rockingham and I love it down here. We have all the shops we need down here (except Ikea which I WILL travel for ;)). It's suburban like the other places but it's on the beach and there are marine parks nearby. Just lovely for snorkelling and there are islands to visit in a canoe or boat. All on the doorstep.

It is further from the city but it takes about the same amount of time as when I was closer because of the train. Catching the bus to the city always take longer than the train.


My best tip would be to rent here first before you commit to a house that doesn't suit your budget or your new lifestyle. We only have a small house but it has a huge patio and great little garden, suits our outdoor lifestyle more now. :)


Let me know if you have any more questions.

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Guest plumb/pom

hi ya

yes we know the quorndon fox well & the kings arms at hathern as you probally do? we went through rockingham on the trian when we where there in june it looked nice from what we saw, whats the economy like at the moment? as its begining to take a turn for the worst over here as you,ve probably heard, we have heard the housing market is,nt very good out there a bit like over here really( unless your buying that is )

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