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We can't wait!!

Guest Geordiepom

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Guest Geordiepom

Hi everyone'

We would like to introduce ourselves, David, Julie and our daughter Hollie 13. We have just started the visa appliction off so we hope to be out there for xmas 2009. It has taken 16 years to come to this decision, but now we have decided ,we can not wait.

Friends of ours have been in Port kennedy for 2 and 1/2 years and we are hoping to join them shortly.

Any comments about the Port kennnedy,Rockingham,Secret harbour area would be appreciated.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest The.Colebecks

Hello & Welcome to Perth Poms :D


We visited all those areas in July.

Secret Harbour was very nice although it gets very, very smelly at times as there is a lot of seaweed on the beach.

Rockingham isn't actually a place, more a district, and like with all places there are good and not so good areas - a couple of the areas we liked were the more established parts of Waikiki and Safety Bay.

Port Kennedy is nice too, we looked around a lovely house there overlooking the golf course & ocean.

It all depends on what you actually want as an 'ideal'. Unless you go for an older house in the more established areas then all the houses in the areas you mention tend to be on small plots and built very close together, with loads of yukky colourbond metal fencing!

At the end of the day, one persons ideal is another persons nightmare so you really have to go and visit areas yourself and make up your own mind about what you see as 'perfect'.

I hope all goes well with your application, keep us posted on your progress.

Kind regards

Karen & Co



Need a C.V. for your visa application? I can help :Dclick here for details

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Guest zaramatty

Welcome to Perth Poms Dave!

I'm from Gateshead and have been in Perth for 6 Months now, it has been the best decision we have ever made, i have a good friend living up next to you in Leadgate and still have fond memories of the thursday curry night at weatherspoons in Consett, if you need any help or advice just get in touch


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Guest mackemsok
Hi everyone'

We would like to introduce ourselves, David, Julie and our daughter Hollie 13. We have just started the visa appliction off so we hope to be out there for xmas 2009. It has taken 16 years to come to this decision, but now we have decided ,we can not wait.

Friends of ours have been in Port kennedy for 2 and 1/2 years and we are hoping to join them shortly.

Any comments about the Port kennnedy,Rockingham,Secret harbour area would be appreciated.



Hello Dave

We are planning to move to Perth early next year - Scott my hubby is in the process of being offered a job and sponsorship - which for us is the best news because we started the visa process and realised that it is so time consuming. We have friends in Rockingham and will settle around there - I have heard some bad reports about Rockingham but as we have never been there ourselves we are going to wait until we get there to make up our minds. It may be that Scott goes out there initially because our oldest girl is not finished her A'levels till june so I will wait here to sell the house etc. Scott can do all the research whilst he is there - so hopefully when i get there he will know more about the area. Good luck for you visa - keep in touch. We are from Sunderland so it would be nice to meet up when we are all there and settled.

Sharon, Scott Kirstie and jess

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Geordiepom

Hello Sharon, Scott Kirstie and jess,

Sorry its taken so long to get back to you. Its all systems go here. Tra has been accepted, 175 Visa is lodged, our business is sold subject to contract and hoping to get to oZ in November. Only obstacle I can see is selling the house after Xmas (fingers crossed). How's your application-sponsorship going. Keep in touch and you never know we may be able to watch the derby match together next year-in the SUN.


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Guest mackemsok

HI Dave

We have booked our x-rays for next week so things are moving pretty quickly here. Our house has not sold - so looks like we will rent it out for a couple of years :-(

I won't let it affect the move - we are so focussed now and looking forward to our last Christmas here - I think it will be an emmotional one - but that's what happens when you move to the other side of the world. Kep in touch and we will deffo meet up once there as my hubby Scott is a keen footie fan so i think it will be fun to watch a derby torether...lol


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  • 3 weeks later...

merry christmas, hi all we are the laings hoping to go in july, our house isnt sold so we have been advised to wait to do health and police checks till we hear from visas, they are lodged so just need to w8. hoping to sell house march time as have been told market picks up then, we hope. we had i hope our last cold xmas yesterday, it was good, too much jack daniels but hey ho just being festive. good luck with all your moves ange41, geoff43, holly18, harry15, and poppy 11, the laings.

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