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Our move is on the rocks

Guest super-roo

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Guest super-roo

Im gutted. :(

We have gone through most of the things that are needed for us to move,,

Kids have aussie citizenship by decent (daughter 16 , son 14) /as im an aussie.

They also have there aussie passports.

All we need is my wife Karens visa.

The problem is, we have said from day one that it will be a family decision to move to Aus as i dont want to be to blame for dragging them accross the world and them not being happy. We have all been there for holidays 5 times since the kids were born and everybody loves it. Especially me as its where i come from.

Now my daughter (who is 16) has got herself a boyfriend and fallen in love. She now doesnt want to go. GGGRRRRRRR

I feel as though she is being selfish but, i dont want to drag her kicking and screaming and her end up resenting me for it.

I think my wife is secretly pleased tbh as she was never 100% sure it was the right thing to do anyway.

Any thoughts would be greatfully recieved as im realy stuck as for what to do or even say tbh


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Guest vik,john&milly
Im gutted. :(

We have gone through most of the things that are needed for us to move,,

Kids have aussie citizenship by decent (daughter 16 , son 14) /as im an aussie.

They also have there aussie passports.

All we need is my wife Karens visa.

The problem is, we have said from day one that it will be a family decision to move to Aus as i dont want to be to blame for dragging them accross the world and them not being happy. We have all been there for holidays 5 times since the kids were born and everybody loves it. Especially me as its where i come from.

Now my daughter (who is 16) has got herself a boyfriend and fallen in love. She now doesnt want to go. GGGRRRRRRR

I feel as though she is being selfish but, i dont want to drag her kicking and screaming and her end up resenting me for it.

I think my wife is secretly pleased tbh as she was never 100% sure it was the right thing to do anyway.

Any thoughts would be greatfully recieved as im realy stuck as for what to do or even say tbh


i am far from an expert and have never been in this situation,but maybe it is worth being patient, as at 16 (if they are anything like my nieces) she will probably fall out with him and be glad to go to the other side of the world!As for your wife again,patience is key. i was against the idea of moving to oz as my daughter is only 3 but due to the economy in the uk it seemed the sensible thing to do instead of waiting for my husband to be made redundant and watch the value of our house keep dropping.

We have only been here for a week and although certain things are not as expected i am glad we did it and have already got a tan!

Goodluck make sure it is the right thing for your family.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, like the reply before mine i am no expert either but i would put it to the family to at least give it 2yrs and rent your home out in the uk and rent over in oz untill you are all sure where you want to go from there be it back home or stay. Chances are the relationship will fizzle out . I would not give up on the move and keep upbeat and ask them to at least give it a go nothing is ever set in stone and 2 yrs seems a good compramise . Ann

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hi another non expert here, we hope to go to oz in july, our daughter is 18 and in a 3 year relationship, she knows that in sept they would of gone off to separate unis at opp ends of country and maybe fizzled out anyway, maybe you could use this one as they prob would be in a similar situation?, maybe you could say if you dont like it when we move there you can come back at 18, also that the boyfriend could visit, my pal used this and within 8 weeks all were happy, and she had no intention of leaving oz.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest dizzy bird

hi , my daugther is 16 and has been with b.friend for a year she has decided to stay in uk with her dad which is gut retching (not that i see anything off her at the moment) but were still gonna go and she will probably change her mind at some point and come stay with us then go back again lol give it time everything will probably change .

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  • 3 weeks later...


When we moved over here in Dec 2007 my eldest daughter was 16 nearly 17, she had a bf, they had been together a couple of yrs. Anyway to start with she said I'm not coming to oz, but we carried on regardless. As most people know that have teenagers they are very fickle and change their minds at least every minute!! lol

So we came to the part where we had visa's and house is on the market and low and behold it sells, so thats it all stations go. And all of a sudden my daughter starts talking about "when we get to australia mum......" She must've suddenly realised we were doing it despite her and her protests. Anyway 19 months in and shes always saying to her 3 younger siblings, you don't want to go bk to england, when they start talking about going bk.I think the key is don't pressure anyone just let nature take its course. As for your wife if you have a strong relationship you'll both decide whats right for you and your family.Mind you I do have times when I wish I was bk in england with my friends and family, but it passes and my new friends here are very good, and we're all in the same boat.

I hope this helps, probably not, it is one of the hardest descision you'll have to make.

I wish you and your family all the luck in the world with whatever you decide to do.


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