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Business Networks

Guest jac.dave

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Guest jac.dave

Hi All

I am a Graphic Designer just starting up my own business here in WA. I have been here a year so don't have that much of a network. Does anyone know if there are any business networks in the Perth area?

Much Appreciated.


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Guest prestige



There is a BNI in Joondaulp, Leerderville, and Sorrento that I know of.

The Sorrento one meets at 07.00 every Tuesday and has a good attentance. Let me know if you need a contact.


Do you need any help with you Graphic Design as I have someone coming over from New Zealand soon.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jac.dave

Hi Jan

Thanks for your response. Sorrento sounds great as I am based in Trigg at the moment. I am going to be meeting informally with a few other new business owners in a few weeks in the area if you or anyone is interested. I will be good to meet and build up my network and potential clients. Although I have over 10 years expereince as a graphic designer I have very few contacts here, so I am starting from scratch. Please drop me a line about your NZ friend, if I can't help I may be able to point you in the right direction.

Best Wishes


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Julier320

Hi there, if you need help marketing your business through the internet, I am a Psycological Marketing Account Manager and have something that will knock your socks off, if you are interested in finding out more, then drop me a line on julie.c.marian@gmail.com. 15 minutes of your time and if you are not impressed, I will walk out of the door - Julie

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Hi Jac, I can help you. There are many business Associations available in Perth, but you need to be selective. There are also many others, PM me I will be able to help.

Can I make the assumption that there is no formal British expat business network in Perth. Will you be able to determine the interrest in something like that?


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