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Rental's?? 'Confusion Reigns'!

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Hello All, I am sure that everyone is sick of the question but I am after some help and advice on the short term rental situation. We are not looking till later in the year but better to organize sooner I am told.


Anyone got any recommended landlords or rental agents I could try? We are hoping to get somewhere Sinagra, Edgewater, Joondalup sort of area.


How hard is it to get a short term when you have a small dog in tow? Hopefully he will be in quarantine for a bit though.


Do you think that 30 days will be enough to find a long term rental? Best case would be to get a long term direct from the UK before we arrive, is this even realistic?


Now we are getting ready to go I am sure we will have loads of what seem like daft questions. Appreciate any advice though.




Kev and Mandy :err:

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Hello All, I am sure that everyone is sick of the question but I am after some help and advice on the short term rental situation. We are not looking till later in the year but better to organize sooner I am told.


Anyone got any recommended landlords or rental agents I could try? We are hoping to get somewhere Sinagra, Edgewater, Joondalup sort of area.


How hard is it to get a short term when you have a small dog in tow? Hopefully he will be in quarantine for a bit though.


Do you think that 30 days will be enough to find a long term rental? Best case would be to get a long term direct from the UK before we arrive, is this even realistic?


Now we are getting ready to go I am sure we will have loads of what seem like daft questions. Appreciate any advice though.




Kev and Mandy :err:


Hi Kev


I think it's rare to get a long term rental before you arrive. My understanding is that it is a legal requirement to physically view the property (I may be wrong), but it seems that on the odd occasion some people do manage to secure long term rental from the UK. No idea how they do that.

Short term rentals can be very expensive. We didn't have a problem finding one, but it may be slightly more difficult with a dog. We had one for 6 weeks, but had found a long term one 4 weeks in, so it's possible 30 days will be enough time. http://www.elitevillasoz.com/properties.php?n=4 and http://www.ozhouserental.com/ might help.

We looked on http://www.reiwa.com.au every day and went to a couple of open viewings attended by loads of people. In the end, we found one for rent that didn't have an open viewing, viewed it privately and got it.

We had a budget for short and long term rental and went way over them. As you probably know it can be expensive to rent here, but as with anywhere it depends on location and the property itself. If you have a healthy budget you'll be OK. If you don't then you might need to compromise on your idea of the type of place you want to live.


All the best


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Hi Kev and Mandy, ozhouserentals do have pet friendly accommodation, you can also try aussiemove (not sure if they do or not). Look on realestate.com too to get an idea of long term rental prices. We have a dog and he was in quarantine for a month, but he came over nearly a month after us as there were no vacancies at Byford. It took us about 5 weeks to get a long term rental. Good luck!

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Guest guest9057

Worst case scenario for finding a rental house is about 3 months. If you already have a job here. Pile of documents you have to give to rental agent is almost like immigration set (bank accounts, salary, residency status). Have a couple of sets ready, because you will need to submit quickly, immediately upon inspection.

realestate.com.au (rentals and sales). You may contact via e-mail links shown there, but they will not care much. You have to show up for inspection and sign in. There may be between 10 and 40 people there, depending on how desirable the house is.

When applying, application bond equals one-week rent, and some agents want it in cash while some want it paid via internet into their account. So, you have to be able to transfer money to their account, but also have to have some cash ready.

By the way, if you rent a property (be it house or flat), it has to have deadlocks if you want to get contents insurance.


Choosing a burb all the way up north could be a bit of a problem if you want to be flexible workwise. You may have or expect a FIFO job, where it would not matter much, and you will have convenience of isolation of the remote burb. But then, if it does not eventuate or if situation changes, you will be in commute hell (with or without train, but certainly if needing to use a car).

And that is if you are lucky enough to work in Perth City. If you live up Joondalup way, working anywhere else but the city (and north of it) is impossible.

Check occasionally the rush hour traffic flows on maps.goggle.com.au. Red lines will tell you everything.


Living south of the city close to Kwinana Freeway leaves more employment location options open for you. City, southern or eastern industrial area, even North.

And you can be close enough to water oriented recreation areas along Swan, while ocean access is more than managable within 20-30 minutes of easy drive (or by bike) on worst days.



Hello All, I am sure that everyone is sick of the question but I am after some help and advice on the short term rental situation. We are not looking till later in the year but better to organize sooner I am told.


Anyone got any recommended landlords or rental agents I could try? We are hoping to get somewhere Sinagra, Edgewater, Joondalup sort of area.


How hard is it to get a short term when you have a small dog in tow? Hopefully he will be in quarantine for a bit though.


Do you think that 30 days will be enough to find a long term rental? Best case would be to get a long term direct from the UK before we arrive, is this even realistic?


Now we are getting ready to go I am sure we will have loads of what seem like daft questions. Appreciate any advice though.




Kev and Mandy :err:

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Hi, my partner and I arrived on the 11th of Dec. We stayed at her brothers for a week in Perth, to get over the jetlag, saw about 5 properties, and got offered 2 on the same day! We picked one at Halls Head, Nandurah, to be close to work, and we`re only about 200yds from the beach! Beautiful house too. Got a deal on a years rental...

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