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Englishman in Perth

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Posts posted by Englishman in Perth

  1. It has ALWAYS been my experience within construction, both onshore and offshore, (and I am sure not to be alone in this) that Australian employers will employ Australians first. And this is regardless of their ability to do the job. Back in the UK this would be called racism by some. Here it is not discussed but is an accepted behaviour.


    Now I do not necessarily disagree with the sentiment. But would be interested, if the same rules were being obviously applied by UK management run businesses in Australia, how loud the screams would be? But of course we would be whinging Poms if we complain.


    Just a thought. Thats all.

  2. Hi Scott


    I understand how you must feel, truly. I experienced the same problem with my certs when we arrived. And you are right when you write about 'starting all over again'. I have/had over 20 years experience in the scaffolding industry held every job from yard boy through to senior contracts manager, estimator, surveyor. But all my experience and knowledge were worth f846 all when I arrived.


    Quickly realised, as perhaps you are, that here it is all about Who and not What. I have had supervisors and managers (who would not have lasted as a teaboy until breakfast back in the UK) telling me that they have completed the Australian '2 week be advanced in anything you want' courses that are on offer and therefore know EVERYTHING about scaffolding. I started off getting riled and angry then realised that it really was not worth it. A bitter pill to swallow. I have experienced so many occasions when I have been shut out of work opportunities BECAUSE my experience and knowledge was seen as a threat to the management in place. Namely because none of them had reached their position through being any good. But rather because they they were friends with the HR girls that book the workers and were Australian. Controversial maybe? But true. Not what you want to hear but in time I hope you realise that it was not the worst suggestion you will get.


    Unfortunately you are now looking for work against a backdrop of large layoffs in our industry from the mines. I myself have taken a 50% drop in my gross earnings for the tax year ended. And have not had a sniff of work for over 13 weeks now. I can only tell you to keep on looking and be ready and willing to take any opportunity that comes along. And when you get that chance be careful about how telling how knowledgeable you are. It can (ridiculously) hurt you as much help.


    I wish you luck with your journey. Keep your head high. Keep your stress level down and do not let it affect your families early experience of moving to this wonderful state.

  3. Hi Everybody.


    I have recently opened EasyRider Adventures. A Family Friendly EPT ('segway') outdoor obstacle course inside the beautiful Yanchep National Park. I write the words 'Family Friendly' deliberately because we have made it affordable, accessible and both more age and physically inclusive than ANYBODY in WA or Australia! And we will continue to strive to become more physically inclusive as we grow.


    Our youngest rider to date is 5 and our oldest 74! Riders include a guy that has had a stroke. A teenager that spends most of his life in a wheelchair. And one particular wonderful lady who filled our hearts with her smile.


    We will shortly commence Tours into the bush and around Yanchep National Park. Something that greatly excites me as a full blown Londoner! I hope to see a few of you there.

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