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Posts posted by Warnbro

  1. Raising a family on two part time wages will be pretty tough, even with the savings you mention. You would have to fully fund your own education and pay your childs education costs as well.

    Plus, as Verystormy says, you could well end up having to come back at the end of your studies.

    If I were you, I would study in the UK to extend your skills so that you have a chance to qualify for one of the permanent visa classes in a few years time.

  2. On 20/09/2018 at 01:06, FOL said:

    How on earth did you manage it logistically to do everything in 1 day?

    I've done six x one day moves in the last 15 years and all I can offer is that it comes down to planning. Pack up all of your non daily stuff a few weeks before the move, pack everthing else you don't need for the last night on the day before. Sort out what takeaway meals you are going to have for breakfast, lunch and supper (don't try to cook on the day of the move).

    Get up really early on the day of the move.

    If relatives are staying with you, that's a bonus for them and you because they will feel as though they have contributed to your new life and they will have a great story to tell when they get back home.

    Simple fact is, it seems hard when it is in front of you but it will be behind you before you know it.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Cazza said:

    Thanks for the advice guys. The visas that we have are unfortunately restricted to regional, low growth population areas. Halls Head? Bunbury?

    Are there any other suitable places that you would recommend within the Peel Region?

    Mandurah covers a pretty large area so some bits are better than others. It all depends on your budget, but if you can afford to either rent or buy in Halls Head, you will be fine. I love Greenfields but I wouldn't raise a familly there.

    If you are worried about the kids, put them in private school. That's what we did (enrolled them in a Catholic School in Rockingham). Although the socialist in me doesn't agree with private education, for a new migrant kid, it pretty much removes the possibility of being bullied or excluded in school. I should point out that neither of us are practicing Catholics. It's not a requirement or condition over here (otherwise the school wouldn't get any state funding).

    Both our kids are at Uni now, but their primary currently charges $5,500 a year for a single child and to be honest, it was worth every cent. The Mandurah equivalent of where my kids went would be http://www.assumption.wa.edu.au/

    It's a brilliant school and we have friends in Golden Bay who have three kids there.

    Good luck with the move and remember, you only live once.





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  4. 2 hours ago, verystormy said:

    Also had masses of other issues. In eight years in Mandurah we never had a single issue. 

    I'd say you were a lot more likely to have problems in Mandurah than in Peppy Grove. I know Mandurah very well and have spent a lot of time there. We had a stilt house in Halls Head as a holiday home when I was a kid back in the '70s.

    I spend a lot of time in the estuary now and we are thinking of buying a place on the river in Greenfields for when I give up work (maybe in a year or two).

    But for a new migrant, Mandurah is a bit too "ocker" and very far flung from Perth.

    It's a culture shock coming here. Nobody can argue with that. As you get closer to the city, you are more likely to be living amongst others who have migrated and that tends to temper things a little. Your kids will be going to school with a better mix of locals and migrant kids and there will be some pommy kids just like them.

    I love Mandurah and my other half talked about us moving there when we migrated but after spending a bit of time there, she changed her mind.

    I wouldn't even consider living where I live now if I were a new migrant.

  5. On 11/09/2018 at 10:42, Cazza said:

    Will it be hard to rent out there with only just entering the country? What sort of paperwork will they require as we obviously won't have any previous rental agreements or anything, would you recommend bringing mortgage statements from here, etc?

    If you can put down a months rent as deposit and pay a months rent in advance, you will secure a place no problem even without references.

  6. 6 hours ago, Cazza said:

    We are looking to settle in Mandurah.

    Why Mandurah? Don't get me wrong, I love the place, but it's not where I would settle as a new migrant. As a place to visit, Mandurah is lovely but it can be a bit of a rough place to live in and it has more than its fair share of social problems.

    Try to set yourself up a little closer to the city if you can. Maybe try somewhere like Beeliar which is closer to the city.

    Renting anywhere shouldn't be an issue at the moment as vacancy rates across the city are quite high and landlords are pretty desperate for tenants.

    Best advice would be to rent for about a year to gve you time to suss out which suburbs suit you best.

  7. 19 hours ago, Bristle said:

    It's also due to processing of applications being halted for six months when they were trying to change the length of PR required and making the English test harder which didn't get through Parliament. People were still allowed to apply creating a huge backlog. 

    Not worried about the test as have tried some sample ones. Will read through the necessary info nearer the time.

    You sit down in front of a computer terminal and tick some boxes on the screen. I was in and out of that room in less than two minutes with a 100% score. When I did mine, there were some people who failed but they were all non native English speakers. They were given a bit of time to revise in the waiting room and then allowed to re-sit the test. The main thing to remember for the interview is to take as much paperwork with you as you can. There is a checklist on the interview appointment letter.

  8. 5 hours ago, Bristle said:

    Received our test dates on Tuesday, 8 months and 1 day after application.

    That has dragged out a lot. My test and interview date came back after about a week. I can only assume that the vast numbers of people who arrived during the resources boom years are now qualifying and creating the backlog. Don't stress about the test. It's easy as pie and you only need to digest a few pages of information. My favourite question was about the name of the national anthem. One of the multiple choice answers offered was "Australians must advance more fairly".  I wonder how many people chose that?

  9. 20 hours ago, Jill said:

    I currently live in Adelaide and as a family we are considering a move to WA.  My husband would be working in Henderson.  Any information and recommendations would be appreciated especially if you have made the move across country yourself.  

    Henderson is pretty easy to get to if you locate south of the river. Depending upon your budget, areas to look at would be Beeliar, Coogee, Spearwood, Rockingham, Port Kennedy and Secret Harbour.

    If you locate north of the river, the commute would be a bit of a nightmare (you've got to cross one of a couple of very busy bridges in the morning rush hour).

    Basic rule of thumb is that the closer to the beach you are, the more expensive the house. Beeliar bucks this by being closer to both Fremantle and Perth with good transport links.

    Commutes to Henderson are about 15 minutes from Beeliar, 10 from Speawood and Coogee, 25 minutes from Rockingham, Baldivis and Port Kennedy. Secret Harbour is about 40-45 minutes.

    All suburbs have good shopping nearby and a train link to the city within a ten minute drive.


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  10. On 17/08/2018 at 00:58, phil said:

    It mentions they may look at extending the PR requirement to 4 years. I thought it was that long anyway.

    It's already four years of residence as you rightly say. It was three years but that changed in 2007.

    Maybe the key word is PR? When we arrived in 2007, it was three years residence with at least 12 months as a PR. If they change the PR requirement to 4 years, you could have lived here on a 457 for a few years but still have to wait a further 4 years after your PR was granted?

    Who knows?

    My Citizenship (2011) took only few months from application through to ceremony and back then, you had the option to have your ceremony fast tracked (in the offices in Perth without all the fuss). My wife did this as she had to go back to the UK for a visit so she only waited 3 weeks from application to full citizenship. The kids and I waited for the next Rockingham Town hall ceremony.

  11. My big regret is not bringing as much as we could. Sure, clear out your old junk, but bring all your pots and pans and kichen stuff, power tools, hand tools, jars of nuts and bolts and all the other useful stuff you have accumulated over time.

    It hurts like mad when you have to buy a new adjustable spanner for double what you would pay in the UK, knowing that you sold a perfectly good one at a boot sale for under a quid just before you left.


  12. On 17/06/2018 at 05:04, verystormy said:

    I don't think it is doom and gloom. 

    But it is realistic and maybe your view of the U.K. is overly doom and gloom. We moved back to the UK in 2016 and would say our life is at least as good back in the UK as it was in Oz. 

    It very much depends on what trade you are in. People in mining construction services did very well up until early 2015. Big money was made and if people were sensible, they would have squirreled a bit of that away.

    I'd say the downturn has hit those who didn't plan ahead the hardest. I know quite few people who earned big and spent bigger who are now suffering. I have one friend who went on a grand 6 week world tour in 2013 which cost him and his wife over $100k. She paid someone to do the housework and the ironing and they were always popping off for luxury mini breaks in places like Margaret River on his week off. He's was laid off once the job he was working on finished, and now he's earning around $70k a year managing a shop. Now $70k a year is not bad for a couple with no kids, hardly poverty. But they are in dire straights. They have a pretty big mortgage on their house and can't downsize because the house isn't worth as much as they paid for it. The fact is, if they'd been a bit sensible, they could have been mortgage and debt free before he was retrenched.

    Younger people have also suffered a bit as well. Kids were leaving school back in 2012 and walking into low skilled jobs paying $80k a year. Not the case today.

    Perth has been through the old boom and bust cycle before and no doubt it will happen again. The trick is to recognise when you are in a boom and make some preparations for the bust.


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  13. 7 hours ago, Rossmoyne said:

    For some reason though, Australian employers often seem to shun new migrants when looking for new employees, and say they need Australian experience, and I just don't get that view.  I am retired now, but some of the best people I ever employed, were migrants with little or no Australian experience.  

    I agree. Some of our best workers are new arrivals. I suppose it makes sense. Lazy people don't up sticks and move half way around the world for a better life.

    I think some of the problem is that there is this perception that the newly arrived Pom may well decide they have made a mistake and decide to turn tail and go home. The longer you have been here, the less this is a concern for potential employers.

    You can't claim benefits for the first two years, so you lose nothing by doing a bit of unpaid voluntary work. I didn't do that myself, but I know an ex civil servant from the UK who came over on his wifes visa (Nursing). He volunteered to clean the windows at the local aged care facility and also did three days a week at the local Good Sammy sorting through donations. He's now manager of maintenance at the aged care facility.

    In my first week, I took my forklift ticket and paid the instructor some extra to let me play around on it for a couple of hours to hone my skills (I was a bit rusty). I signed up with a couple of labour hire companies and took anything they offered even if it meant travelling 50kms for half a days work. I got myself a reputation for never turning anything down and always being on the other end of the phone. They could ring me at 9am and I would be on site at 10am. My first full time job was pretty rubbish with long, unsocial hours but I used my free time to write off for things I wanted to do. Eventually, I got myself into what I am doing now.

    I think Vicky87's hubby may have also struggled last time around because they were on a working holiday visa. I expect being here on a PR next time will change things a bit.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Vicky87 said:

     we would ideally not like to consider FIFO however we're willing to do whatever it fakes over the first couple of years to make it work long term

    FIFO probably wouldn't be an option anyway for a new arrival. The FIFO jobs tend to go to those who have done it before. But the plus side is that when a FIFO project starts, it creates vacancies in Perth.

    As for finding work when you first arrive, it's best to just take anything you can get so that you gain some local experience. I started out doing forklift work through an agency. A day or two here and there to start with and then one of the contracts turned into a full time job. The longer you are here, the easier it becomes to find work (employers are reluctant to take on people who have just stepped off the plane).

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  15. 14 hours ago, Vicky87 said:

    Thanks Jen. Funny enough I saw this earlier and sent it to my husband - exciting news for those in WA and hoping to emigrate shortly.. I'm ready to come over now, hurry up visa!! Lol

    I wouldn't get too carried away with this story if I were you. In comparison to the period 2010 to 2014, these projects are chicken feed. Back then we had all of the Iron Ore and Oil and Gas majors building some of the worlds biggest projects all at the same time. Ports needed expansion, rail networks had to be built. The huge influx of new people created an unprecedented demand for housing and wages went through the roof. Big projects blew out their budgets and a lot of lessons were learned. This is not what is going to happen this time.

    Of course, there will be job opportunities but they will generally go to those who have done fly in/fly out work before (FIFO).

    FIFO is a pretty hard game to get into especially since FIFO worker welfare became a major issue. The big miners would rather employ someone who has done it before than take the risk on a newbie.

    However, every FIFO worker who is currently doing something else, will leave behind a job in Perth. These newly vacated jobs will become easier for a new arrival to walk into.


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  16. Of course this is good news but it won't be anything like what WA experienced a few years ago.

    These expansions were always coming and anyone in the industry has known about them for years. They are part and parcel of the life cycle of a mine. Build it, get it up and running, expand it.

    The South Flank project is pretty big though and it will create a fair few FIFO construction opportunities. I'd bet though that most of those jobs will be filled by former resource construction workers who are currently in Perth doing other things.


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  17. On 06/06/2018 at 14:44, Tiggerprawns said:

    We have been in Perth now for just under 2 years now & planning to stay......

    I have noticed recently that my UK driving licence will expire in July - I understand that you need to be resident in the UK to be able to renew it....


    I've done a bit of ping pong pomming in my time and a few years back, I moved back to the UK for a spell due to family reasons (I'm currently back in WA).

    To make life easier for myself, I renewed my UK licence. It was actually very easy as I still had my nine year old card.

    All I needed was proof of my current address such as a council tax or utility bill and a current form of ID such as a passport.

    Took about five minutes in the post office.

    If you were coming back for a year or less (simply for a holiday or something), use your Aussie licence. I've done that many times and had no problem with hiring cars or anything else for that matter.

  18. 3 hours ago, verystormy said:

    I would be taking professional advice rather than on a forum. 

    Based purely on stats as we left in 2016 due to lack of work, unemployment has increased, house building is at record lows and investment seriously struggling. But, stats don't tell every story and take professional advice.  Do not though assume it is a land of milk and honey!

    I've been pretty lucky in that the firm I work for secured a decent long term contract with an overseas client just before things started to "go south".

    Life is still pretty good in Perth, but it isn't what it was a few years ago. The great majority of people I know have suffered to some degree from the downturn. 


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  19. On 25/05/2018 at 22:08, Nick said:

    I am extremely interested in moving to Perth. I am a qualified bricklayer. I have turned 45


    I'm afraid the cards are all stacked heavily against you. I know two bricklayers who were run off their feet until early 2015. One is now doing part time caretaking work and the other returned to the UK two years ago because he couldn't find anything here.

    Most brickies here are self employed. House building doesn't work the same way here as it does in the UK. Developers don't buy land and build 100's of houses in one go. They sell serviced blocks and the buyer then employs a builder to design and construct a house. The builders generally sub out all of the trades.

    House building was booming until a few years ago. WA had the fastest rate of population growth in Australia due to the mining boom and the relaxation of some of the migration rules (more trades on the most wanted list). This has now reversed and construction is suffering.

    There is no shortage of construction workers in WA, if anything, there is an acute oversupply. It is highly unlikely that any company would be able to sponsor you because to prove they have tried to employ a resident, they would have to advertise the job and there would be no shortage of applicants.

    Being over 45, you will never be able to become a permanent resident anyway.


  20. On 22/04/2018 at 15:31, David Kemp said:

    The subject is the construction industry, not unemployment in general. If you are not in the construction industry, you should keep quiet.

    Headwinds facing WA constrction.

    1. WA has spent ahead on resource infrastructure and has more than enough capacity to satisfy resources demand for many years ahead.

    2. Perth has an apartment, Hotel and office space glut which currently sits at record levels.

    3. The State Government has massively overspent on bling projects in the last decade (Stadium, Elizabeth Quay, Forest Highway etc.).

    4. The State Government currently has a near record budget deficit.

    5. Perth has a near record number of available properties for sale and rent and the lowest population growth rate in recorded history.


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  21. On 22/04/2018 at 01:59, David Kemp said:

    Don't let verystormy hear you being so positive

    Construction has picked up over the last year but Perth is still very very far from booming. Both posters were right.

    Perth is in the doldrums compared to just 4 or 5 years ago. Maybe things are improving, but it is very slow progress at best.

    It would be remiss of anyone on here to paint a false picture of reality just to suit the grass is always greener outlook of a prospective migrant to WA.

    Even back when Perth was boomtown central, local people with local work experience always got first dibs at the best jobs. But as there were so many jobs around, migrants could walk into positions with relative ease.

    Of course, if you are the best person for the job today, you will get it. But, if you are equal best along with a local person, you won't.

    Truth is though, there are a lot of very experienced local people in WA doing filler in jobs (handyman, shop work, Uber driving etc.) whilst they wait for things to pick up again.

    It is very stressful (making the big move). But please view this forum for what it is. Free advice which you can choose to take or not.

    Don't shout at those with experience who offer you free advice just because they say something you'd rather not hear.









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  22. Most visa classes require that you are under 45 at the time of application. There are some classes with higher age limits but they involve having immediate family already in Australia or significant long term investment in Australia.

    I moved heaven and earth to get my application on their desk just before my 45th as a day late and it would have been curtains for my hopes.

    Sorry to say this, but I think you've left it a bit late.


  23. 9 hours ago, ali said:

    I agree, we'd been here 10 months and took a short break in Bussleton and it was the first time I realised we'd stopped still in all that time, always something to be doing, establishing in this new life we were carving out.  Not directed to the OP but a general comment, but I think people are naïve if they come to Aus believing it's the UK with sunshine - there is so much research that you can do now .. even more than when we started our journey when Poms in Oz was in it's infancy.


    When you come here, you might as well be going to Mars or Venus if you want something similar to the UK. Australians look a bit like English people, talk a bit like English people but it ends there. 

    You have to be prepared for a sea change in attitude, values and outlook on life in general.

    Every time you open your gob, you'll be a pom. If you complain about anything, you'll be a whingeing pom. After two or three years, you'll be a whingeing pom with a bit of a local accent. 

    On the other hand, after a few years, your kids will be true Blue Ocker Bondi Aussies with dual nationality and the freedom of the planet.

    And after all, that is what is all about. :)






  24. On 04/01/2018 at 14:46, Walmerironman said:

    Thankyou all for your comments, having an unload on line and hearing from others who have been through the same really helps.

    Anyone who comes here thinking that life will be easier than back in the UK is fooling themselves. It's a bloody hard slog for a good few years at least. But stick it out for long enough and your endeavours will bear fruit.

    My best advice is to stick it out because every year under your belt brings a better year in front of you.

    I speak from experience.

    Good luck.

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