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Posts posted by jodipodi

  1. Bloody great....eeeee I'm excited for you both....I think you're so brave. You've got guts, and I'm dead chuffed that you've done it....knew you would.


    Keep us updated will you....love hearing the general day to day stuff of ozzy life....it keeps me focused.

    Take care xxx

  2. Thanks guys. Well were here. What a journey!!! It doesn't seem real. I have driven past a dome in Mullaloo though ha ha. Thought rob would like that. Wil do a proper update in a couple of days. Off to bed now x x


    I've popped in here and there to see what's going, I frequent PIO more so but I pop on here to see what's going on and i remember you Debs......I haven't spoken to you on every step of your journey but I really am soooooooo soooooooo so so pleased that you got there in the end, you've worked hard, been determined, been helpful to others and seem a genuine... And funny.....lass.....good luck with it all hinny xxxx great stuff xx

  3. A Stat Dec or something along the lines of that provided by a solicitor stating no legal authority is held by the parent should suffice when evidence is required.

    In the case where the other parent has PR either permission is required or you would need to go to court and get them to grant permission... By the sounds of your situation you would very likely be granted it but it may be costly. I would ask for the permission from the father before I went to court...he may surprise you.

    I would use the holiday to gather research such as schooling, areas, job prospects for yourself, clubs that your child does here that they can carry on there etc etc in order to put together a pack to show the courts it's in the child's best interests. It's not about whether it's better for the family.. Its all about the child so it must show in favour of the child.

    All the best and enjoy your holiday xx

  4. We had a short spell in suburbia and lasted about 6 weeks, it was just awful for us.


    Freo has everything we need and when we lived on South Terrace there were long periods when the car didn't move. We were on the free CAT bus route which takes you to the train station and into town. South beach was a 10 minute walk away and the area is littered with deli's and bakeries and cafe's.


    We've moved a little further out from the centre so we find ourselves driving to the beach to walk the dog but Mrs p can't drive and I don't think she's ever been in a situation where she's really felt disadvantaged.


    Just be aware that a lot of the newer suburbs don't have footpaths so in theory you could walk to get that loaf of bread but the reality is somewhat different. I believe but am not certain, that Joondalup is a lot like this.


    Hmmm Freo sounds like my type of place Portlaunay! When you say a lot of newer suburbs don't have footpaths etc do you mean Id end up needing a pair of hiking boots for a trek across rolling hills and such haha?!

  5. I'm not the most confident driver, and am limited to where I drive to, so we picked an area that had everything reasonably to hand for me, short drive to school, shops, docs etc, and if I want to go further I get the bus, I don't mind that at all, but I would say that when the temps hit 40 degrees, walking can be a no go option, and a car will be your air con sanctuary!

    Yeah Im the same Peanuts, that's the main reason why I ask to be honest. Im totally fine on small roads where Im familiar with them but get me on a motorway/freeway and Im mush...I freak out. I have been looking to get some sort of extra driving lessons for this problem but don't seem to be any instructors who specialize in that near me..Ill keep looking though as Id like to have the freedom of being able to take full advantage of my licence.

    We will have a car but its likely that hubby will be the main user and that Ill be doing most of the running around with the kids so Id like to be able to get bus/train or walk. I don't mind at all if it meant I had to get the bus/train to shops n stuff but Id really like to be within walking distance of the beach.

    Where is it you live Peanuts?


    Thanks everyone :)

  6. Hi all, so I'm posting this here as I thought who better to ask than those living in Perth already...I thought I might get the most response here, mods may think it is better suited elsewhere so please move if you do :)


    I'm wondering about the necessity of having a car in Perth so would like to know if there are many decent suburbs that are within walking distance to a nice beach (say 15 mins walk) but also that I could easily travel to and from main amenity areas such as shopping centres, possibly schools, etc by public transport, say within 45 mins on bus/train. When we looked at Adelaide we found that a car would likely be a much needed thing to get around but it seems some of the areas in Perth are quite accessible by bike/train/bus....would love to hear some views from you lot who have first hand experience. We are thinking Joondalup and surrounds from what we've read up on so far but obviously best to research as much as possible :)




    My youngest daughter showing how much she loves Mullaloo beach.




    Mullaloo beach New Year's Eve - Just before sharks were spotted and subsequently shut for the rest of the day!!

    These photos are all lovely but I have to say the first with the shadow of your daughter and the heart I absolutely love....looks really clever :) ..creative, love it.

  8. Ive read a large amount of 'don't go there..' when it comes to Global Visas, in a round about way anyway, obviously people aren't allowed to bad mouth on a public forum but its definitely not who I will be using when we come to use an agent as I think theres been a fair few people had their dreams ruined or had to start all over again because of it. My choice would be one of two. Westly Russell or Go Matilda, both get great reviews and recommendations by those who have used them and have never read even in inkling of bad feeling about either. They are forthcoming with help and advice and often flag it up for people when someone has been told wrong information. Hope you get someone who does a good job :)

  9. Update.


    got up this morning to an e-mail from ANMAC saying that they have completed my skills assessment and it has been forwarded to a second professional to be reviewed as per ANMAC policy. This should take no more than 10 working days.


    progress finally. Just hope the outcome is positive.




    Bet that's made you smile no end Debs, you will fly it...you've been a wealth of knowledge for others as far as I can see so that tells me you've been thorough and wont have missed a bite.

    Now comes the foot tapping and finger nail biting :)

  10. Well in the process of refund for the $3000 odd for the visa processing fee. Whilst keeps getting promised but never arrives been on to them today which they said its been approved waiting. As far as getting refund for there cost I got no chance and all I want now is my visa so I can go get on with my new life in oz. I tried to cancel them after only 2 weeks into assigning them to get me a visa but they just went ahead an charged my card so had to use them as couldn't afford a new agent from scratch. Everyone I spoke to from managers to team leaders are nothing short of bully's my wife refuses to speak to them as they very nasty at times. Made the whole experience a nightmare and most of the work I have done for them. Not to mention sending me down London for my skills assessment without the right paper work needed to be allowed to sit the test. Luckily vetassess allowed me in as had some documents on my iPhone. Please steer clear.


    Id be taking that one as far as I could go if it were me, I expect you've worked hard for that bleedin money. That's if you can be bothered, sometimes the stress of chasing things puts people off, I can totally understand. Sorry to hear that Craig, Im sure yous will get there :wink:

  11. Wanted to be a Midwife for a good few years, in fact I would have given my arm to do it.. got halfway through my access course whilst trying for a baby and had a bad miscarriage (if there's such a thing, any miscarriage is awful) and decided I could never hack watching someone else go through that- Id be a useless wreck. I decided I wasn't tough enough so I'm now finishing my access course, changed the module pathway and concentrating on Human Nutrition and Health/Fitness, love the physiology of it. I suppose there's loads of jobs Id love to do, I like finding out nitty gritty info no-one tells you about with government bumf and money issues, have gotten a few wins over the local Council Tax and Housing previously when they dug their heels in over money they owed me haha.. Id probably do a canny job being a citizens advice volunteer or something like that.

    Council supervisor.......now that's a job I could do.....'you sure you're doing that right there Harry?.....naayyyyy bother, I'll leave you to it then mate'.....*feet up, cuppa.*:biglaugh:

  12. We using global visas, big mistake 18 months later after wrong visa submitted then 7 months later had to withdraw as wrong points claimed. We just about in same position 18 months later this time on correct visa. Absolute nightmare still ongoing battle at the moment. Avoid like the plague.

    Craig, that's pretty crap for you.....cant you get your money back?!! Surely there's some sort of security that says if they stuff it up (meaning through no fault of your own) they have to provide a refund??...

  13. Nothing will happen to you and your boy will be happy and safe and loved. This is what mothers and fathers do...we think of the most extreme situation that will probably never happen. You have to make decisions based on the positive possibilities outweighing the negatives. All could change anyway Travelchic, might get yourself a hottie who will treasure you both ;) Then again you might not and you might be more than happy living it up for years to come just you and your boy having a ball!!

  14. I'm scared of being able to apply passing us by but also scared of thinking this is the best for my children and then everything going pear shaped, Id never forgive myself.

    We arent anywhere near emigrating at the moment but I'm scared of leaving my gran as I know we will likely not see her again and she brought me up for a small part of my teenage years, I wont be able to sit and drink tea and have a natter with her but more so the kids wont have that granny time with any amount of biscuits and juice and cartoons on demand in front of the fire!

    I fear my mam never actually fulfilling her wish to follow us over there once we make the move.

    When I think like this though I try to tell myself that regret isn't for the things you did do its for the things you didn't do and at the end of the day the decisions we make are usually a calculated risk, based on weighing up pros and cons....and a lot of dreaming.

    As far as wildlife or other non-emotional ties Id say I'm pretty much scared of anything that is a potential stinger/biter/eater haha...especially spiders though as the nasty ones are usually tiny..at least I can keep well away from sharks and crocs, cant see many of them fitting in me slippers......

  15. Hi Jodipodi, Thanks for the reply.

    From what I see on Ssek, ethical jobs etc, there is work but worried as want to hit the ground running.


    I had the same issue with refs, as got them for skills assessment in summer 2012, for visa app in summer 2013 and will need them when I get to Oz. I asked referees to email them so in future I can just change date and if needs be copy a signature as all refs were ok with this! They prefer this to writing another ref.


    That's a good idea! I'll tell hubs to get in touch with the refs to see if they'll be happy with that. Cheers Lulu :)

    As for jobs...I don't like saying 'if' so WHEN you get your visa you can start applying from wherever you are immediately because you will have the 'legal right to live and work in Australia' (that's whats usually in the small print at the bottom of job vacancies) sorry you may already know all of this Lulu but just trying to give as much help as I can as you have for me ;) ......Youth Workers don't require a specific qualification in Australia so if you have a degree you will likely be looked upon favourably, I'd also say look for job titles 'Case Worker' if you fancy that sort of thing...I would have never had known to look under that heading- think it was CJBChris who sufggested to us- a bit of key work with young people etc maybe? There seems to be a lot of residential positions aswell x

  16. Never seen anyone compare it with hours worked...I like that it makes sense, like people say I agree that shopping can totally be as cheap or as expensive as you choose, I could easily spend about 20 quid more than Id like to if I bought lots of branded stuff or maybe if I didnt continue to bulk buy. I choose smartprice over mcvities for the kids biscuits and I used to buy stuff like Bold and Lenor, I tend to buy whatever is cheapest per wash now...I look for price per unit now when before Id just look and think hmmm looks more for the price when maybe it was unfounded brainwashing lol. Was plenty cheapy options when we had a reccie, we were in SA but still Coles Woolys etc. Think the more children I have added to my little family, the more savvy Ive gotten.

    I do love a REAL bar of galaxy though!:jiggy:

  17. Lulu my husband gets lots of alerts for jobs via Seek, hes also on Linkedin and makes contact with relevantpeople to ask Qs etc- this will help if you havnt already. There seems a fair amount of vacancies but I expect actually being in Aus betters your chances.


    Does anyone know if the references would need to be recent, say we started collecting paperwork now but werent going for skills assessment until some point in the near future say next year, would they want the references to have been dated in the last however many weeks/months?

  18. Hi Jodipodi,

    It took me so long to get the pieces together for ACWA under Welfare Worker heading but I had no advice so kept throwing in the towel. In hindsight, it's straight forward enough.

    Put together a portfolio of

    1. References, job descriptions, work you did while in those jobs; if you have newspaper cuttings of events/conferences or web pages, if you are named in publications that you contributed to etc.

    2. Degree/ Diploma cert and transcripts and extracts from courses ( to show topics covered)

    3. Write the piece on how you have met the core competencies. This took a while as there is no guide, so I gave a blend what I understood the competency to mean and an example of work that met it.

    4. Your birth cert, passport and I think I put IELTS in.



    I had quite a bit of work experience unqualified so they seemed to take this into account except when they were assessing me for points. I would advise you to pay to have this done. I think it's $650 in total.


    HTH :)



    That's really helpful thank you so much Lulu, we have a while before we are able to apply but I want everything collected beforehand as much as is possible to save stressing out last minute......this advice will help us no end :wubclub:

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