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  1. Hi all, We are a Junior Rugby Club and along with every other volunteer organisation we are always looking for Coaches, players and helpers to assist in enabling the kids to have a great time playing the great game of Rugby. Anyone in the Bunbury area or moving to the area whose children want to play junior rugby or who want to get involved please let me know and I can give you some more info. Its excellent fun and as a club we have had some great successes. Thanks Bunbury City Bulls Juniors
  2. Hi Phil, That's brilliant, I'll message you with more details. Danny
  3. Hi all, Are there any Rugby Union coaches or budding coaches wanting to get involved in the local Junior Rugby Club for this coming season in Bunbury. We are the Bunbury City Bulls Junior Rugby Club and have age groups from under 7 to under 17 and are looking for people to get involved with us. We are a very friendly, forward looking family orientated club and would love to have you on board. If you are interested please let me know and I can give you more information. Thanks Danny
  4. Would a Police pension fall under the banner of an unfunded scheme ? I've got 13.5 years to transfer but didn't want to do it yet as I was on a 457 visa. I will have PR very shortly and was hoping at some stage to transfer my pension over here. This might have scuppered my plans.
  5. Theres no climbing out here. It's all from bucket trucks and sometimes ladders....
  6. The relocation agent booked my tickets. I just told them what day I would like to fly out and they did the rest. I don't think there's a choice of airlines but I think most people went with Emirates who were great.
  7. Scoop, I came over in the first intake in march so can only tell you what I experienced but I don't think it's changed much. When you get here your at PTS for 4 weeks covering first aid, EWP training, familiarisation training, site induction and all the other certificates you need to be able to work on site and on the network. While you are at PTS you will have an interview with a cert three assessor. There are a load of skills you need to be given a cert 3 and he will go through any certificates or proof of experience you may have brought over with you. He will also ask questions just to check you know your stuff and not bluffing. He will then tick off some of the skills you have proven you have and that are also recognised in Australia. After this is done there will be a list of courses you need at attend to complete your gap training. On some courses you need to show evidence that you are competent even after completing the course so you need to submit evidence packs showing what you have done. It's not too difficult and once you get your head around the system it all appears straight forward. There are some courses you just have to do even though you are qualified in the UK as the qualification isn't recognised over here so you need to get the Australian equivalent. Everyone is in the same boat with this one so you will find all of the intake need to do it whatever their background. Getting the cert three will take about 12-18 months we have been told. What I will say though is take every certificate and qualification with you no matter how insignificant it seems in the UK as you never know it may be recognised over here and save you some additional training. Margaret River is a lovely place.. All the best..
  8. Josie, mine took less than ten days.
  9. Bring all you can, if you don't need it here you can always sell it.
  10. We were told that they will be back over for another round of recruitment later in the year. PM me and I'll explain what we were told.
  11. Paid fortnightly on a Wednesday. If you start on the 20th the next payday is the 29th. Speak to Tara though just to check.
  12. We got a Telstra elite wireless dongle. Connects up to five wireless devices and you can take it anywhere. It was $99 for the dongle which came with 5gb Data download and then $100 to top up with 6gb. Expensive but if we didn't have it we wouldn't of had any Internet in the first few months before we found a more permenant rental and that's when we needed it most..
  13. I came over on a 457 earlier this year and didn't have a medical to get the visa. I had a medical as soon as I got here but wasnt sure if it was a condition of my visa or just my sponsoring companys procedure. I had a complete acl reconstruction three years ago which I declared at the medical with no problems.
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