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About Tucker11

  • Birthday 11/05/1987

Tucker11's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi everyone, my 189 visa has come through and we emigrate to Perth on Thursday! Does anyone know if my wife has to declare her 8months worth of birth control at the airport or can she just have it in her suitcase and walk through?? Regards David
  2. No questions on that topic I don't recal, the majority of them are common knowledge, health and safety in the workshop, using power tools, saws and grinders etc, setting up welding equipment for different types of welds or material! The one you may want to refresh your memory on is the welding symbols, most are basic which I rattled off quickly, but there was some on there I hadn't seen for a long time, took a lucky guess on them and got them right. Remember it's not an exam, they are just getting an idea on your knowledge in the trade, if for some reason you get an unsuccessful result from the technical, they may require you to do the practical instead. Best of luck paul david
  3. Hi Paul, I done my technical interview in the same trade, qualified welder/fabricator for 12 years! Was very nervous about the interview, there isn't much I can't fabricate or weld but you start doubting your own ability! I went to a place in Kent where i sat on the phone and was interviewed by an assesor who was in Sydney! You can see on the computer a number of slides and diagrams relating to the question they ask you, from, technical drawings, calculations, machines and safety, health and safety different materials and there durability, setting up and using welding equipment, gas cutting and bottle pressures etc! I was asked a total of 50 questions (I was a sweaty mess at the end) but if you know the trade it's nothing you won't know! Relax stay calm, you'll be fine! Good luck
  4. Thanks benj1980 and well done Jenpen!
  5. I got an email this morning from my agent saying I had been invited to apply, was great news to wake up to first thing Monday morning, and put a spring in my step! I starting to feel like months of hard work are nearly over!! It's been character building to say the least!! I believe it's just the medical last and then it's just a matter of waiting! Very happy right now! Hope everyone else is receiving good new on their visa travels! david
  6. finally on the 4th attempt I got the IELTS result needed and all the hard work is done!! Skills assessment done! We have just lodged our expression of interest and police checks being done currently! So excited now! One thing I am glad of, is I never gave up on the IELTS! The test is a nightmare! I got listening:9 reading 8 writing 8.5 and speaking 9! Dream scores!! Anyone have any idea how long the expression of interest takes? Also would there be anyone interested in buying my IELTS revision books! Around £100 worth of books and test CD's. Thanks guys!!
  7. Little update! So after exactly 10 days I got the results of my technical assessment....passed with flying colours! Another thing ticked off the list! Only downside is I failed my second IELTS! Annoyingly I only need 7's or above! I got 6.5,9,8,8.5 and my first I got 8,6.5,8,9!!! So basically I have passed with flying colours in both combined! IELTS really does depend on the test that day I belive! The second time around the listening test was talking absaloute nonsense, hence why it lost me! Anyway I have a re sit this Saturday! 3rd time lucky! Wish me luck! :smile2:
  8. It's been non stop lately!! Since I last posted I had a successful pass on stage 1 of my skills assessment, then this morning I had to travel from Chichester to Kent for my technical interview! 2hrs long and around 50 questions all to do with my trade (welding and fabricating) I answered all of them with as much detail as possible, it's one thing knowing your job but trying to explain it to a stranger over Skype is harder than it sounds! Still I feel it went well, a few spots my mind went blank but nothing to serious. I have 10 days to wait now for the outcome! I also have my IELTS re sit this Saturday as my first attempt I got 8,8,7.0,9 and I need 8 in all 4! That test is a pain! I revised for about 2 months prior to my first attempt but still it got the better of me! Hopefully I'll get it second time around! i'm a bloody nervous wreck lately, anxious about test's and results, it's killing me ! Can't wait until all the hard work is over and I can just relax and wait for the visa! David
  9. Thanks for the help! Yeah I will be making sure I practice practice practice leading upto IELTS! Yeah I feel the pressure already, I don't want to stumble and fail anything and delay things any further so I always feel that pressure, I know how badly I want to be there and also my wife feels the same! Hopefully things will be ok! I've always got advice on here if I get stuck which is good! David
  10. Hi everyone just signed up to the forum as my wife and I are emigrating to Perth this year, this forum is great for help and tips from people that have been through it! To cut a long story short my father in law lives in Perth and has done for 12 years or so, my wife and I moved there back in 2010 after visiting Perth for 5 weeks and falling in love with the place! We returned home and within 2 months we had sold all our stuff and jumped back on the big bird with working holiday visas! It was great I found work almost immediately being a qualified first class welder and my wife found a great job with Maurice Meade hair salon! Due to certain issues through out the year we left Australia after 12 months and returned home, also convinced we missed the uk and our friends! Well after 3 years and a 4 week holiday to Perth last year we have decided to stop living week by week on crud wages here in the UK and get our backsides there for good this time! No matter how many hours we work here we can't make ends meet! And truth is when we lived in Perth we earnt so much money between us it was silly! (Yes why did we return home...DOH!!) Luckily we still had the details of our agent who came highly recommended through my father in law and his work colleagues. So we payed him a visit whilst on holiday and basically signed on the dotted line and started the ball rolling on a skilled independent visa in my trade! So far I have gathered all my information for my trade i.e trade certificates and qualifications, pay slips, proof off full time employment, references from my employers throughout the years and much more! Sent it all off and today got the email saying I had passed step 1 and I am now allowed to complete either a technical interview or practical interview! Well I don't mind what I do, but I have heard the practical could take longer for receiving a date?? Is this true? If so I would rather the technical interview! Either way it's still nerve racking, 11 years in the trade and you start doubting yourself and asking yourself if you really know everything! I would like to know what a technical interview is like if anyone can give me there experiences on them. Away from that I also have to do the IELTS test, reading on here I'm guessing it's a pain in the backsides, I have done some mock test's available on YouTube and will also be getting a couple of 1 hour lessons just to be sure I don't completely fail! Again any advice would be highly appreciated! Its crazy how how much you have to do but its going to be worth it!! Sorry for boring on with my whole story, I wanted to post about my whole experience so far! Look forward to speaking to you all! david
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