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About Ozzywish

  • Birthday December 25

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  1. Thanks for the advice. We are making decisions about our future together anyway, after almost 2 years apart things are not the same any more, so I am going to return to the uk and leave it at that
  2. Thanks very much for the advice, the other problem is that my husband has his 50th birthday in March, which is why he has put in his PR application so he didn't miss the age deadline. I'm older than him.His company are very keen to keep him on as well. But from your replies it still sounds a bit strange about the separation letter from a solicitor.Im going to get in touch with George Lombard.
  3. Hi everyone. I know I should seek expert advice but I'm just testing the waters so to speak. my oh and me were about to come to Perth on a 457 visa, house sold, furniture on its way. We were staying in a hotel and checking flights, when out of the blue I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We had to think fast and I decided to stay in the uk for my treatment with my family around for support, and to join my husband in Australia after. I know it's a 3 year wait for the all clear for a visa. I have travelled over to visit my husband for a 2 mth holiday. He has applied for a permanent visa, sponsored by his current employer. Will I be able to join him on that visa once my 3 yrs is up? I would be so grateful for advice, as the agent he is using has said that he can't get the permanent visa unless I provide a solicitors letter saying that we are permanently separated...this seems so unfair and I have to question if this information is correct?
  4. Hi everyone, thanks for having me, this looks like a really helpful site to anyone thinking of making the move.
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