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  1. Thanks shelz. We decided to wait and see how things go in the future as the marks happened less often and a lot smaller. She takes antihistamine immediately after noticing and usually goes away after 10 mins. Only happens once a week now.
  2. Wait what, you have had chronic hives for over 10 years now?! So it is possible my girlfriend keeps this for the rest of her life...?? Or it is acute hives? And why did you not do any tests to see whats causing it etc. Especially if you have had it for such a long time...
  3. Yes but we need a referral from a GP.. So we have to see the doctor again, pay money, and get a referral to hopefully do skin testing. I heard blood testing is less accurate..
  4. Hi Ross, thanks for your message I forgot to make an update here. Went to see a GP as it kept happening on and off. Doctor said it's and allergic reaction called Hives, also named Urticaria. Which basically is an allergic reaction to foods, insects, sun, cold, plants, medication, stress. So it could be anything. Started adiary to try to find out what the allergy is. SHe didn't get any marks after stop sitting on the couch and eating Nutella.. also still taking anti histamine on and daily basis. When itchiness would start we use Calamine chilled in the fridge. I read that acute Urticaria generally takes 6 weeks..? And happens to 20% of people somewhere in their lives!
  5. That does sound very similar to what we are experiencing Anne. But it looks more like bite bumps than actual allergic lumps. But it would explain more about the big rash. The tablets are helping too though. Today we woke up without any new bites or itchiness. Also, yesterday our landlord sprayed Mortein on/around the bed which might have helped. And we moved the bed away from the wall as well. We bought Tea Tree Oil and are going to mix it for shampoo and cleaning spray around the house, see how that goes.
  6. Thanks elfie for your response. I doubt its mozzies since she was bitten during her sleep around 3 pm, fully under covers. And waking up around 5 pm to see big marks. Today the problem continued since there were new visible bites around her ankles and on her arms. We checked the room again with our landlord, but couldn't find anything that would point us in the right direction. We only have proof of the bites that shows its bedbugs. Also we bought polaramine tablets and DermAid spray against the itchiness. What is the best thing we could do now? Since the bites keep coming again and I want to find a solution for this problem.
  7. We have Polaramine tablets (dexchlorpheniramine) which helps against the itchiness. However the source of the problem is still there though. Strange how some bites become very large lumps, or hives, and some don't. Now I also think its not scabies, as the location is not where scabies would be, and it really looks like bite bumps, which I think is also not similar which scabies.. Just checked everywhere in/around the bed and couch. Nothing. I am thinking it might be inside the mattress. It is a foam mattress.
  8. You had itchy marks similar to the ones in the pictures and it was scabies? I read a bit about allergic reaction tablets. The bites on my girlfriends knee look like allergic reactions yes, although not all bites give big rashes. And some of them go in a straight line, which indicates bed bugs I think. Also, only my girlfriend gets marks/bumps. I get no/little visible marks, but I feel a bit itchy sometimes though.
  9. Yeah but it was nowhere near as bad as it is now. Just a few bites now and then. Just now it is everywhere on arms and legs, a lot worse
  10. Okay, so the house has been gassed twice (14-12-2016) now and the bites have returned today for my girlfriend after she took a nap on the bed for 2 hours (I don't have any bites YET as I was out). I read that scabies usually bite between fingers, armpits and elbows. The bites for my girlfriend are mostly on arms and legs: Photo 1: Arm bites (14-12-2016) Photo 2: Leg bites (17-12-2016) It seems to be some allergic reaction. We still don't know what causes it. I think we go see a doctor for these bites, maybe they know what causes it...
  11. I doubt they're mozzies. The bite marks go in a sort of trail. We called a professional and he said its bedbugs . Today the house will be gassed and cleaned. Hopefully it will be better afterwards
  12. Cheers Edna. Checked everywhere with a torch. Didn't see any living crawlers but did see some tiny blood stains. I put plastic tupperware under the legs of the bed and couch and sprayed with insect killer, hopefully trap some of them. Perhaps tomorrow looking for professional help as we really want to get rid of the itchiness and bite marks!
  13. Hmm plausible yes. But we can't see any bugs in our bed..
  14. Since a few weeks my girlfriend and I have been harassed by some type of bug. It started in Bentley where we would constantly get bitten during the day, mostly in arms and legs. We moved to White Gum Valley but the bugs keep biting. The marks on my arms and legs are not very large, but my girlfriend's are a lot larger. I already checked for head lice, but haven't found any (also no itchiness on scalp). I don't think they're mosquitoes either, we don't see the bugs that bite us nor hear em. We keep our house clean, tried spraying with insect killer without success. Does anyone know what bug could be biting us, and how we can bite back?!
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