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jo bolt

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Everything posted by jo bolt

  1. Oh fab, so when are you hoping to move back?
  2. We're hoping to have a party for all three kids, with their whole class.
  3. That's the school we were looking at, it looks lovely. Where have you moved to now?
  4. We were hoping that we could still be here for his leavers party, but my husband's job has already been delayed so it looks like we'll be left here by early June. We had to pretty much say the same to him about lumping it, it's not something we conjured up to make his life a misery, it's been our dream for 18 years. He'll get used to it.
  5. Hi Ali, Thanks for your quick response. Nice to know you've settled in one place and happy with it. My 10 year old is kicking against us moving, but I'm sure that once they all make new friends that they will be fine. Do you have any areas that are a no-no? I'm finding that the hardest thing, because in the UK (the area you grew up in), you know the 'dodgy' areas that you deffo wouldn't want to live in, but without the experience of living in Perth for any length of time it is so hard to know where to avoid...
  6. Hi, Myself, hubby and three kids (10, 6 and 4) are moving over in June, his work will be in Jandakot, so we were looking at suburbs like Southern River, Canning Vale, Piara Waters, Leeming and Willetton. Does anyone have any experience/advice on these areas and positive/negative on certain schools? Are there any suburbs to the west of Jandakot that anyone could recommend? We have relatives in Kelmscott but they have grown up children now so hard for them to recommend relevant suburbs with decent primary schools. We're not adverse to living on the coast, but obviously with the price difference we figured it would be more sensible to live inland. I have done a lot of research, but you can't beat first hand experience... Any help would be greatly appreciated whether good or bad. Thanks.
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