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Posts posted by kbounds

  1. Hiya girls,

    just thought I'd join this thread. I am 27, married with three kids aged 9,5 and 2. Living in ridgewood and really want to meet some people! It's very daunting moving from the UK, leaving a big network of people behind to having no one here! Need to socialise lol so I there's anyone out there that would like to meet sometime with/without kids, or if anyone has kids that would like to meet up etc then my name is Kerri bounds, add on fb, profile pic is me and three kids eating ice cream :-) hope to hear from some of u soon. Thanks x

  2. Nikkiwd, I am not using an agent. I still dont have a CO because when I login with my TRN the status is still 'in progress'. Maybe this week or the next week I will have a CO..if not I will ring them.


    we have CO since last wednesday and our evisa still says in progress so don't go by what that says lol. They have to manually change it and they don't have to if they choose not to so unless you ring up then you may not realise you have one. hope this helps

  3. (Floormans wife..lindsay!!)

    Hi all,

    Our agent still wont allow us to have a password to check!!! I wouldnt mind, i only want to keep my eyes on the medical to check if it gets referred,as we have now sold our house so would need to find alternative accom for the length of the referral...and she still says no!!..arrgghhh

    Rant over..hahah!!


    keep ringing up your agent to ask if there has been any correspondence for you....that's what i did and agent soon gave in and gave me password lol. plus...he has been on holiday for past 3 weeks so i didn't think i could possibly not have anything to look at etc to do with our visa considering it has taken over my life lol. although, even having the password, not sure what good it is as several people in this forum have pointed out, sometimes nothing gets updated on your log in page etc. grrr this whole process is frustrating :)

  4. Chris, good that you got c/o after 5 weeks, glad there arent any delays! how did you know when you got a case officer, did they email you?


    Kbounds you are 1 week ahead of me so I'll be watching you! Hoping to get medicals booked for week of 23rd Sept, bummer theres only one clinic in Scotland that does it and its over £300 more expensive than some down south:skeptical:


    for myself and my three kids, it cost us £590.00 which i thought wasn't bad at all. my hubby is having his in perth on friday for $353.00. this whole visa process just takes over your life doesn't it lol? i think i am driving my family insane as it is all i talk about! desperate to be reunited with hubby so really want the grant asap.

  5. Hi Amy

    Did DIAC mention that there was a backlog at the moment, or how big it was? We just finished with anmac's backlog (18weeks instead of 6) so any news on how long this might take will help manage the familys expectations and disappointment a lot

    thanks Andrew


    i have heard that it can take up to 12 weeks at the moment for a 189 but that's only from different threads on this forum and pomsinoz...hope it isn't that long for you. We lodged our 190 21/08/2013 and its supposed to take up to 5 weeks to get CO but have heard this could take up to 10.......hope not!

  6. thanks for your replies :-)


    i do feel that we are a family and would love us to all to go together, but am also wondering whether scott could go out first, validate the visa and sort work etc.


    its still a long way off yet for us, so we shall have to wait and see.



    also, we are in the process of a 189 visa, so is it possible for scott to go out now on a different visa whilst waiting for the 189 to be processed.


    thanks ![/quote


    ask about a working holiday visa :-)

  7. hi,


    we have sold our house and are living with MIL, we was joking with scott last night about him going to perth first to find work, not sure how long for before me and the kiddies come out, or if it would even work !


    did many of you do this ? did it work out okay ?







    We did exactly that!!! hubby flew out on 27th may 2013 on a WHV and found a job after three days and in the last two weeks has rented our first house out there. We have three children and thought this was the best way of doing things because we didn't want to think he was guaranteed to find work and then how we feed ourselves? We lodged our 190 on 21/08/2013 and are having meds done 10/09/2013 and fingers crossed we will have our grant by end of sept. hubby will then fly back here and we are flying back out together. it has been tough but we know we are near the end now and that he has secured a full time job for as long as he wants it and that we have a home also. It will be so totally worth it. :) good luck

  8. Hi All


    think the June gang have a great idea in updating and tracking each others application for mutual help and support. Jump in with any thoughts or events as they happen.


    put EOI in on the 28th expecting 190 sometime soon but got offered 189 so very pleased with flexibility. it says CO will take longer up to 8 weeks but not worried as I booked flight tickets six months ago for November anyway!


    Hope yours is going well


    Andrew and Jayne


    wow, you've booked your flights before the visa grant? that is awesome! we lodged 190 21/08 and have meds booked for 10/09 then hoping for the golden ticket :) haven't thought of booking flights before visa, only dreamt about the moment i can book after getting the grant :) good luck with everything guys!

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