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How much are brickies making in Perth at the moment


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It varies, but the average is about $50-$60 an hour on newbuild. There is a ton of new work going on all over the city, so you will be laughing. It's all slab footing work (no trenches or deep foundations here), and most of the facing work is 'third bond' blockwork. Most of the internal walls here are block too, as most houses are single storey, so that means more work for you blokes.

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It varies, but the average is about $50-$60 an hour on newbuild. There is a ton of new work going on all over the city, so you will be laughing. It's all slab footing work (no trenches or deep foundations here), and most of the facing work is 'third bond' blockwork. Most of the internal walls here are block too, as most houses are single storey, so that means more work for you blokes.


Bit of an overestimate there! Most brickies will get about 250-300 a day on an ABN. Ie self employed pay own super,transport etc no holidays or sick leave.

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