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32 yr old mum of 2 wants to make friends for her and kids!!

Sally h

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my husband and 2 kids have just emigrated and we are living in scarborough. My husband has started a new job and I am with kids all day. I have a 4 yr old boy and 2 yr old girl. I would love to meet people in the same situation, not only for my husband and I but for the children as they are great fun. If anyone fancies meeting for play date, coffee or family day out please let me know



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Hi Sally,


My name is Kelly and I'm 34. I've been out here for 2 years now with my husband and 2 children, girl nearly 3 and boy 16 months. We love Perth and have met some lovely people but I'm keen to meet some more. So if you would like to have a meet up for a play date or coffee that would be great. We live in Riverton but are happy to travel out of our area to different parks and things.



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Hi kelly


nice to hear from people in the same boat. Would be great to meet up one day. Maybe one day next week. We could go to nature scape in kings park. I know that keeps little ones busy for ages! Let me know if you fancy this, if not wherever suits you. We have only been here a few weeks and I have yet to get a car so I am a little limited with where I can get to at the minute.

hope to speak soon


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my husband and 2 kids have just emigrated and we are living in scarborough. My husband has started a new job and I am with kids all day. I have a 4 yr old boy and 2 yr old girl. I would love to meet people in the same situation, not only for my husband and I but for the children as they are great fun. If anyone fancies meeting for play date, coffee or family day out please let me know




Hi Sally,


I look forward to hearing how you get on (presuming you will post updates on here)


My wife and I are looking at coming over in July and we have a 4yr boy and a 2yr old girl too and it would be great to hear how yours adjust to the new life/routine

Have you chosen a school yet?

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Hi ladies, we will be there in 3 weeks & would love to join you in any meet ups. I'm 30 & have 2 boys, oldest is 3 in may & 14 month. My husband starts his new job straight away so ill be on my own with the the boys & would love some play dates & chat.



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Guest plisken23

Hi ladies,


This seems like a friendly thread for making new friends and my daughter (Chloe, aged 4) & I would love to join you for a play date/coffee etc.


We're in Mindarie but I have a car and willing to travel/pick people up (no spare car seat though).


My email is helen1975161@hotmail.com & look forward to hearing from some of you.



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Guest guest11477

Hi ladies


Me and hubby (29 and 33) have moved been here since October with our 2 year old daughter.


I have lived here before with my family but have spent the last 4 years with my husband in England where he is form.


We both miss it terribly and i really miss all my girlfriends, specially since i don't know anyone here with kids!


Would love to catch up if any one is interested?





Hi kelly


so sorry to let you down but my little boy is really not very well so will have to cancel tmrw. My number is 0426194853 and would still love to meet up. Perhaps thurs/fri if he is better? Let me know and sorry again sally

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