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Bunbury info please


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Hi all


I may have the opportunity for a role in Bunbury, a place we had never considered before, so just asking for any info you guys have on this area? What is there to do, what sort of place is it to live - crime rates etc....Worried it may be a little to far out of Perth/Freo and the more bustling places....


Thanks as ever everyone!

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Bunbury has a lot to offer and is considerably more affordable to live in than Perth. The new Forrest Highway makes the journey between the two cities less than 2 hours. If you have children, there is a very good selection of schools and an abundance of playing fields, sport, art and social clubs, clean and safe beaches, etc. Bunbury is surrounded by lovely areas of rural space and is the gateway to the beautiful South West, which provides some great day trips - wineries and breweries, markets, camping, surfing, water cruises, eco-retreats - the list is endless!

Have a look at http://www.southwestlife.com.au, http://www.mysouthwest.com.au and http://www.bunbury.gov.au for lots of really good information.

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Guest guest9824

Hi Raychelsb, having visited Bunbury a couple of times on our way down to Margaret River for a winter break, I can tell you, it'seems s lovely. Haven't lived there, but it seems to have everything you could need. Classed as a Satelite city it's growing, and had a lovely marina area with some restaurants and tea coffee shops. It's quite a long way from Perth CBD so commuting would be pretty long and laborious. Might be a little too quiet of you are used to the hustle and bustle of a city. Freo is definately more hustle and bustle with lots going on. Can't say as I have heard any bad crime reports for the area either.


Might be worth biting the bullet if you have a role offered, in terms of getting you here, a foot in the door, and some western austrslia experience. Doesn't have to be forever, maybe give yourselves two years down there, and then look to move nearer the city if Bunbury doesn't do it for you.


Best of luck,



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I live in Bunbury and yes it is a lot quieter than Perth, but with that means you don't get traffic congestion and all the problems that go with living in the big smoke. Like Chook said, it's less than 2 hours to Perth. There's plenty of shops, although the selection would be nowhere near what you get in Perth. Lots of things for the kids to do, plenty of sports clubs and no matter where you live you are never too far from the beach. I think it's a great place to bring up kids and there are some very good cafes, restaurants and bars. Most expats that move here love it although they do sometimes miss the things that come with living in a bigger city. It's cheaper to rent in Bunbury although for some reason at the moment, rentals seem to be in short supply, so you may have to look at something you may not normally go for just to get a roof over your head.

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I moved here from Birmingham, with my wife and 4 children (kids under 13), just over 2 years ago and live in Dalyellup..... It is a great place.....As Philpom said its quieter than Perth, but still has all we need, we have settled here and definatey no looking back....

Crime is a fraction of what we were used to in the UK, doesn't matter where you go you will always get it.....I used to be a cop in the UK and the criminals here are far fewer, oh and seriously more stupid than the British ones....

A trip to perth is a couple of hours away....Driving there is crazy, I wouldn't let most of them loose with a shopping trolley! let alone a car!

If you have anymore questions, ask away!





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  • 8 months later...
Hi, We are moving to Bunbury hopefully in April next year. I have two boys (5years and 3years) and just wondering if someone could give me some advice on nice areas and schools.


Many Thanks


You may have seen previous advice on here that the areas to avoid are Withers & Carey Park. Other than that you shouldn't have too many problems on where you want to live. We have a house in Dalyellup and it's great for parks and close to the beach. There's 2 public primary schools and the private (fee paying) Lutheran school. The public ones have a good rep although we didn't send our kids to either as I wanted them to have a Catholic based education.


I guess also it will depend on what your rental budget is. Whatever you think will be your upper limit, prepare yourself to fork out another 50 per week on top as you may not find something you like in an area you like.

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Having lived in Central Bunbury,Carey Park and now Glen Iris, I definitely would say the later is the best so far,we heard the stories about Carey Park were a little dubious about moving there but had no problems at all in the time we spent there, that said they are moving many of the local authority housed out of theses areas.


I would say your best bet is to try and stay in a Hotel and look at areas when you are here, you can then make a more informed decision from you own views.


The rental process is a lot different down here as well, we had to view the properties we where interested in and then fill in the application pack, the agent then short lists and contacts the persons at the top, its a little weird but we have always been at the top and been offered the properties we wanted.


Hope this helps

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Thanks for reply.

Do u know how long it usually takes to get a rental? Just wondering how long we should book a holiday let.

We also have a dog so would need a rental that allows pets.

Is the employment still good in bunbury? My husbands an electrician.

Sorry for so many questions. Cheers

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The time from putting your application in to getting conformation and moving in can be as little as a week, but remember that you may not find a suitable property straight away, having a dog can be a little restrictive as we found out and you may have to sacrifice other requirements to facilitate this, though we did find that some rentals that say no pets might with a little sweet talking and paying a pet bond be convinced otherwise.


I would probably allow around a month to look view properties and if you prepare yourself an application pack containing the required information it will make the process a lot smoother, I remember before we moved down we tried to contact agents regarding properties we had seen and got no replies, now we are here you can see it is because they will not rent unless you have seen the property in person, I will ask our agent on our next inspection if overseas people can be on a mailing list, I think its due next week so will be able to answer then.


On the job front, I can only speak from my trade, I'm a mechanic, it has stared to pick up a little as we are moving into summer, there are quite a few electrical contractors around so all I can say is get a resume into a typical Australian format, make sure all the qualifications are relevant and swapped to the Australian equivalent and start emailing them out with a informative covering letter just after Christmas.



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Thanks for reply.

Is the employment still good in bunbury? My husbands an electrician.

Sorry for so many questions. Cheers


I know a little while back things were slow for electricians around Bunbury. I am sure he'll pick something up as long as his qualifications are transferred over but you might have to be a little patient. For industrial electricians, try Swispec or Overflow Industrial (Mike Golden - tell him Phil Pomery referred you). He has or had a few Irish guys working for him that had gone over. Haven't spoken to him for over 5 months as I have had to leave the country to get work in my field as there was very little on offer across Australia.

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Thank you. That's the thing I'm most worried about cos he has to obtain his A class which apparently takes a year so we need a company willing to take on a trades assistant. I'm sure it will work out just a bit scary. Will contact the above company's.


Hope you manage to find something.

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