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Looking for a chat and a beer in Scarborough area


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I've been in Perth for almost four months now and am really enjoying life here so far. I'm 28 and lived in London for five years prior to moving over here. Interests include playing and watching football, going to live sport events and music festivals, nights out at the weekend, lying on the beach and, more recently, surfing (I am rubbish!).


I've got a good set of mates here but always keen to meet up with someone locally for a beer on the odd week night here and there. I moved to Scarborough in late January (was living in Burswood before that).


Anyway, let me know if you're in the area and keen for a beer at some point.





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Hey Chris,


I live around the Kingsley are so not local as such but not too far away. Like yourself am a novice/useless surfer and spend most of my time falling over but would like to improve, with perhaps lessons or some more practice so let me know if you fancied heading out for a surf one weekend morning?


Otherwise enjoy most sports, play 5aside, enjoy a beer here & there... and like to get out and enjoy what Perth has to offer.


Am from NE london but lived in central London for five years with the wife before moving here (she's a local)





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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Adam,


Apologies for the delay in getting back to you mate. Everytime I've remembered to get back to you, I haven't been near a computer - until now!


A drink sounds like a plan. I'll pm you my number.






Alright boys - Im Ian, just moved to Perth too. Don't have many mates up to yet and fancy a few beers sometime?


Originally from Yorkshire. Like all the usual stuff- football, beer, music etc.

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hi lads, im craig been in perth for about 18months and looking for a wider social circle, i live in joondalup but originally from cumbria.


like the normal stuff couple of sherberts, footy music etc

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Hi guys,


Good to hear from you all - even you, Goat, who I reckon must have had an ale too many at that point!


How about meeting up for a drink next Wednesday evening (20th)? It seems like most of us are north of the river and near the coast, so meeting at the Breakwater in Hillarys probably makes sense? I've never been but I've heard it's supposed to be a decent place.



Charlotte - no worries, get involved :)


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Hey guys,


Chris - will sms you, my turn to apologise - been really busy & putting the hours in at work of late...


Will bump what Chris has said, the more the merrier! That's a good suggestion mate have been a few times it is a nice bar,particularly on a sunny day/evening........only problem is I play 5aside on Weds evenings.....any chance of making it another evening? (am also out Thurs 21st - sorry to be a pain!)





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I play football myself on a Tuesday. Do you play at Lords in Subiaco? I've also started playing on Thursdays.


How about Friday 22nd?


I'm up for Friday 22 March if people are? If we're doing it on a Friday though maybe we should do it in the city or subiaco, straight from work?



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