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Water Engineering in W.A.

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We are currently going through the migration process and should have a permanant visa in the next 6 months.


My husband is a Process Engineer in the water industry. He has 12 years experience and has held many roles within his company. He also has a BTEC National Diploma and NVQ. Does anybody have any experince of this sector in W.A. and could advise how likely it would be for him to find employment. He is prepared to F.I.F.O. to give us the best opportunity to afford Oz living. He has a friend that works on Barrow Island for the Monos, but hasn't been able to open any doors for employment.


We are planning on moving to Perth by the end of the year.


Thank you very much,



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Hello Sarah.

I am an Environmental Engineer and I currently work in water industry (water management), but in my own country.

I also hope to get the visa (189) in the next 3-4 months and relocate to Perth.

I will watch with high interest this topic because I am eager to find the same answers.

Maybe someone more experienced will help us.

All the best,


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I was working for Honeywell Partner company, in UK and Mideast on projects , as a BMS Engineer- TREND , Alerton and Johnson Controls. I am Hoping to find job that fits my profile or start my own consultancy /firm .

I have a 176 Visa, so I will be looking in the WA region - Starting Perth and other areas .

I hope to find interested engineers and entrepreneurs who would like to join and help me in starting a consultancy or a contracting firm and start up a business.

I have contacts of suppliers and have on going projects , but in Mid East and Morocco . ( Alerton and TREND projects)

Hoping to know more about BMS Companies and BMS projects in Australia . Someone who has knowledge about this, please share . I know about VEOLIA - who are partners for TREND and Alerton HQ in Perth .




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Thanks for the replies.


As my wife mentioned, I've 12 years experience working for Yorkshire Water as a Process Engineer. My workload includes running the day to day activities on water treatment works, with many different processes and commisioning new projects on the sites.


My main concern is it looks extremely difficult to gain employment in this sector. I've emailed my CV to companies and not heard anything back. I would ideally like a F.I.F.O. job for a large project, like the Gorgon project or similar.


Mushahid, do you know if my skills and experience could gain me employment in the Middle East. Any advise would be much apprecited.


John, looks like we work in similar environments. Any info. you could pass on would be greatly appreciated, and I'll do the same.


All the best to you both.



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I've read that it is very difficult to get a response when somebody applies for a job and doesn't have an address and a tel no from oz. I would really want to find myself a job in water and wastewater treatment, water management and so on. I am sure you've tried seek.com.au right? I also send my cv to recruitment firms but nothing. Hopefully we'll find something when we land there. Keep in touch

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Hi John,


Yes been on seek.com.au, but I feel until I have the permanant visa through, companies not really interested. As I mentioned earlier, looks like we are looking for work in the same field, so i'll keep you informed if I get any relevant info.





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  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hi Sarah/Ian,


Any further news? I'm also an ex YW employee and living in Perth - trying as we speak to find a job related to the water industry. Not been successful yet but gained lots of experience through applying and meeting people at various companies. It takes time, be patient and getting to know people in the companies you want to work for will definitiely help.






We are currently going through the migration process and should have a permanant visa in the next 6 months.


My husband is a Process Engineer in the water industry. He has 12 years experience and has held many roles within his company. He also has a BTEC National Diploma and NVQ. Does anybody have any experince of this sector in W.A. and could advise how likely it would be for him to find employment. He is prepared to F.I.F.O. to give us the best opportunity to afford Oz living. He has a friend that works on Barrow Island for the Monos, but hasn't been able to open any doors for employment.


We are planning on moving to Perth by the end of the year.


Thank you very much,



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