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Hello I'm new and would love some help

Guest MontyDame

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Guest MontyDame

Hi all I'm new to this forum and so far I'm really glad I've joined as there s so much info on here it beggars belief. I'm Australian, from perth and been living in UK for 11 years. My hubby is British. We ave no kids but a gorgeous dog who makes up for that.


We ave now decided to take the plunge and will be applying for a partner visa for my hubby to move to perth. My family is there, and though I haven't told them yet f our plans, they will be over the moon.


So I guess my big question is: how long does it take to get a partner visa? Is it really hard? What's te success rate? And once approved how long have you got before you have to be in perth?


sorry for all these questions. I have so many more but would love just an answer to these for now.


Well done to all of you that took the decision to go and I truly hope you're al loving it out there.

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My wife is a Perth girl and we came out from Scotland on the same visa type, subclass 155, at the time. Not sure if that one is still availbale or not. Anyway here is the visa website link to waiting times. Loads on that site and should give you all the information you need.




Assuming you are low risk then looks like 6 months maximum. When I applied for mine in 2002 it was about three weeks!! Changed days indeed. It was a rubber stamp job for us because we met all the criteria and were able to tick all the Yes boxes. I suppose if you have any non standard issue(s) that would delay the application but until you start filling in the forms you will not know what the possible issues are :wink:


Also saw from another thread that you were wondering about age limits. I do not think it matters in our cases because you / my wife was an Australian by birth. The age issue was not relevant when I applied. This is perhaps what you need to work through. http://www.immi.gov.au/visawizard/ If you are worried here is the link to the visa types available.


Good luck

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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Thank you for your comment on your previous thread!


Offshore applications from London taking currently around 9 months to get visa granted.


Having been together 11 years there shouldn't be a problem getting partner visa, but you will need to provide evidence of you relationship, all information in booklet 1, on the different aspect of your relationship that you need to provide. As long as you can prove that you have been together for 3 years you will be granted Partner Visa 100 which PR from the start, which will be a 5 year visa from date of grant.


Once you lodge application you will get case officer quickly, will review your documents, and then if all going well ask for you to submit your medicals and police checks in 3 months time.


Once visa is granted you will have 6 months to make first entry to Australia (12 months from the earliest date of medicals or Police Checks).


It is cheaper and faster to apply for Partner Visa offshore, than onshore.


The other option would be to travel to Australia (partner on Visitors visa, as long as it does not have no further stay condition) and apply onshore for the partner visa, which currently is taking 13 months to process. Once the visa is lodged your Partner will get a Bridging visa A, that will kick in once the visitor visa has expired. Onshore BVA (bridging visa A) are now given work rights, so your partner will be able to work while you wait for the visa to be processed.


It really depends how quickly you want to get to Australia.


As for your dog, try PetAir, on what you will need to do before you can ship him/her, some jabs need to be done 6 months in Advance, this is worth looking in to now so you will be able to ship your pet once you are ready to go.






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Guest MontyDame

Thank you both for your replies. And a special thank you to you DyLeB, I'm not usually quite so touchy on forums but I guess this is really getting to me and I may have misinterpreted your comments on previous thread. For that sorry.


With regards to proving our relationship, only probs we have s we never opened joint bank accounts for work reasons and most household bills are under my hubbies name though my own mobile bill and other mail is all on our address and has been for years. I will try and get as much stuff together and have it all ready to go with application.


Ive read different stories re providing medical s and police checks with application and others say to do it when asked. My husband says to do police checks ASAP and wait for medical s to be asked. Can we do that? Also if you get police checks done too soon can you request them again and send them after?

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It doesn't matter if you have joint accounts - but as long as you have mail coming to the same address. You will have your own bank accounts in your name under same address. But other things like car insurance/house insurance, both on the Policy, Wills, each other as beneficiary.


You have 12 months from the earliest date of Medicals OR Police Checks to make first entry to Australia, so it is best to do these both at the same time, or you may end up with only 2-3 months to make first entry. Before July Partner visas were taking about 6-7 months, but it is taking longer now 9 months and CO are requesting you do these both 3 months after application is lodged, this is up to date information regarding police checks and medicals.


The ACRO police Check takes about 10 days to get through the standard service, there is no need to rush to get it done, medicals are uploaded through ehealth but the blood results take about a week.


The reason that your application takes 9 months as you are in a que, there are planning levels of Partner visas so only so many are granted each month. Once your get your CO, they will give an estimation of when your visa will be granted.

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