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The Coulters

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Hi everyone.

I am looking for some advice about our flights. We fly from Newcastle to Dubai with Emirates, I have spoken to two people from Emirates the first said we had 30kg each for 1 bag, the second said we had 30kg each taking as many bags/cases as need be.


The second part of our journey is with Quantas Dubai to Perth. It states the flight is operated by Emirates however I think the Quantas allowance still stands at 23kg. I could pay for additional luggage with Quantas to allow us to take up to the Emirates allowance. The confusion for this flight is that the state its an Emirates operation again one person said i would still get the 30kg with Quantas the other says not.


I hope this makes sense as its a rather confusing senario. Has anyone else had this problem? Are they strict on the allowance? Suggestions would be much appreciated x:nah:

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The Emirates is def 30kg, it can be split if need be. From memory hand luggage is 7kg but you are also allowed a handbag or laptop bag on top of this. Handbags dont get weighed, so get a large one and put heavy stuff in that if need be.


Quantas allowance will depend if you are only transitting thru Dubai airport or are having a full on stopover there, ie leaving the airport.

If your not leaving airport and therefore not having to check back in then it wont make a difference, as the luggage will only be weighed once at Newcastle, once in Dubai its only stored until your connecting flight.


Where you may come unstuck, and it happened to us on the way over was 1st flight with BA, 30kg limit and then should have been straight onto a Cathay Pacific flight, but BA flight was delayed so we missed our connection, had to be put up in a hotel overnight and then had to re-check in with CP, as new boarders so to speak, their limit is only 23kg. Not an ideal situation and we could hardly dump stuff mid way thru our journey.


Thats where the large handbags came in handy!! four of us travelling and we had to also "hide" a couple of the hand luggage cases. One of us checked the bags in and then picked up and walked off with one hand luggage that had been weighed and one case that hadnt!!!


We got away with it and between us we were 40kg over limit

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Hi there,



We are having a similar issue. We booked flights to Perth via Dubai (just connecting not stopping over) with Qantas however both flights are operated by Emirates.



I had 2 conversations with Qantas and 1 with Emirates about luggage all said different things!


Since then Qantas have released details of their baggage changes to be in line with emirates.


So basically what I have now found out is even though we are flying with Emirates (who give 30kgs each as standard) we are only allowed 1 piece at 23kgs each.


If we want to purchase additional baggage it would be under Emirates charges which are a whopping £35 a kg!!


We have decided instead to send approx 50kgs over by airfreight which works out about £300.


Hope this offers a bit of an insight :)

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