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accepted onto course help needed!

Guest rocksfamilytooz

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Guest rocksfamilytooz

Hi everyone

Would like to ask for some advice on migrating to Perth on a student visa, I have applyed and be accepted on a (drillers course) which i have experience in when i was over on a working holiday visa before with Mainswest, Had a great time doing this job so hence the choice for course.

the collage have asked me to send back the acceptance for with payment of $7000-don't know if i have to the full amount up front?? will call them on Monday to find out for sure. Now for the unknowing bit iv got to apply for a student visa am i better getting a company to apply for me or is it easy enough for me to do myself?? I have a partner and a baby of 7 months to take as well, Has anybody done this and got any advice on the best way to go about it as the course starts in July and don't want to pay for the course and then have trouble with getting the visa any help on this would be great thanks Robert

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Hi everyone

Would like to ask for some advice on migrating to Perth on a student visa, I have applyed and be accepted on a (drillers course) which i have experience in when i was over on a working holiday visa before with Mainswest, Had a great time doing this job so hence the choice for course.

the collage have asked me to send back the acceptance for with payment of $7000-don't know if i have to the full amount up front?? will call them on Monday to find out for sure. Now for the unknowing bit iv got to apply for a student visa am i better getting a company to apply for me or is it easy enough for me to do myself?? I have a partner and a baby of 7 months to take as well, Has anybody done this and got any advice on the best way to go about it as the course starts in July and don't want to pay for the course and then have trouble with getting the visa any help on this would be great thanks Robert


Hi Robert,


i am currently living in Perth on a student visa from the UK. I applied myself for this visa (subclass 573). It is very easy and I was able to apply online. You will save a lot of money doing this yourself and it is pretty straightforward. I was only able to apply four months prior to my course starting and my visa took about 10 days to come through. Let me know how you get on. When you apply online you also need to scan and send certified documents too. Good luck. Michelle.

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Guest rocksfamilytooz

Thanks Michelle for the reply, Did you have to pay for your course in full upfront or could you pay it up?? And an other question my course is only for 6 months but i will be staying on to do the engineering course that follows which is for an other 6 months also so will i be able to get the visa for the full year just now?

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Guest rocksfamilytooz

[h=3]Vocational Education and Training Sector Student Visa (subclass 572) this is the visa i would be applying for as the course is a certificate 2 would there be much difference in the application?[/h]

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Thanks Michelle for the reply, Did you have to pay for your course in full upfront or could you pay it up?? And an other question my course is only for 6 months but i will be staying on to do the engineering course that follows which is for an other 6 months also so will i be able to get the visa for the full year just now?


I only pay for my course as and when I enrol for my units. So, when I accepted the uni only asked for part payment, which I didn't pay until just before I applied for my visa as I was in Oz at this time on a reccie. I think the visa will only last for as long as the course is for, but if the engineering course is at the same education facility and it is a natural progression from your initial course then this may be included, but as I understand from DIAC, the visa lasts the length of your course. Hope this helps. Michelle.

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Vocational Education and Training Sector Student Visa (subclass 572) this is the visa i would be applying for as the course is a certificate 2 would there be much difference in the application?


Check this out on the diac website. http://www.immi.gov.au/students/students/572-1/how-the-visa-works.htm

this gives you information on length of course and visa validity. Hope this helps. Good luck with the process. Michelle.

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