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Transfer your UK Pension but keep in Pounds Stirling ?

John Goldie

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Not sure how much interest there is out there in expat pommyland about this , but have found some real interest because of worsening exchange rates ?

We have a QROPS Superfund that can keep your transfer in English Pounds indefinitely , until you wish to convert . Access to good managed funds etc , or even term deposits (under the superfund) paying a lot more (like 9 times ) the rates back in UK .

Not Advice , just gauging interest as it seems a good fit ?


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Wow , lots of Perthpoms looking , but not a lot of comments or replies ? Our colleagues in Sydney have been inundated with expat Poms wanting to transfer pensions into really good funds without the exchange rate pain . Would love some feedback as to whether anyone thinks this could be worthwhile ? Happy to help with any other money related questions ? Cheers

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