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Engineers Australia - Engineering Technologist


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Hi all


Further to my wife's last post about 189 Visa's, I've now had a response from Engineers Australia! It took around 8 weeks from posting from uk going down the Washington Accord route.


Anyway, I applied on the basis of ANZSCO Code 233215 - Transport Engineer which I have a relevant honours degree in and have been working for almost 7 years now. EA came back saying I wasn't able to be assessed under Washington Accord, but could be assessed as an Engineering Technologist (ANZSCO 233914) under Sydney Accord. My degree and experience satisfy current the academic requirement for the latter.


My problem is that we planned to apply for State sponsorship in WA as a Transport Engineer and are therefore reluctant to submit our EOI using the Engineering Technologist.


Does anyone have similar experience? Can I submit the EOI using as a Transport Engineer knowing this contradicts the occupational classification I have been advised is appropriate? Would doing this mean the EOI would be incorrect/invalid?



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