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Spouse / partner visa

Guest returntoaus

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Guest returntoaus



Just after a little bit of advice, from anyone who has applied for a spouse visa:


How long did your spouse visa take to come through? We applied in November in London (we live in the UK, but I am Australian and our son has citizenship / passport, my husband has applied for the visa), and are waiting, waiting.


Did the visa approval (or not) just arrive, or was there some correspondance before hand to let you know how it was going - apart from the acknowledgement the visa application was recieved and a request for a medical we haven't heard anything, but don't want to pester them unnecessarily.


Was anyone's rejected, and if so why and what did you do to appeal this or reapply?


Once you got the visa, how long did you have until you had to be in Australia? We are going to start selling the house etc. once we have the visa - does that sound like a good plan? Other people seem to book the ticket in preparation of getting the visa, but I'm not sure that's the best idea!


thanks for your help!!

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Guest ceyclaire



my hubby's Australian and my kids too have citizenship and their certificate to prove this, just need to get their passports.

I applied for my visa End of Jan 2012 and it took approx 5months to come thru.. You get approx 1 year from the date of your medical to validate your visa and subject to the type granted, ie permanent residency which lasts 5years or temporary residence Which lasts 3 years, you can travel as many times to Oz within e time given n visa.


We have just returned from Perth a few weeks ago after validating the visa. It's a very simple process as its all computerised.


hope this info helps.


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