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Where to Start?


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Where do we start? Myself the misses and the 2 kids have just returned to UK after a short break in Perth and Brisbane (We needed to get our passports stamped within the 1st year of our visa being accepted). We are looking to move to Perth in the Joondalup region within the next 18th Months. So we need to start looking at properties, schools and jobs etc.


As far as jobs, im hearing and reading so many mix reports, I'm a Gas engineer currently working for British Gas also im a qualified plumber as well. My partner is a medical rep and also a qualified acupuncturist.


There are so many question that need i need to be answered but at the moment im looking for job agencies who deal with mine and partners skills and property agents in the joodaalup region, the other questions will have to wait till later.





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Where do we start? Myself the misses and the 2 kids have just returned to UK after a short break in Perth and Brisbane (We needed to get our passports stamped within the 1st year of our visa being accepted). We are looking to move to Perth in the Joondalup region within the next 18th Months. So we need to start looking at properties, schools and jobs etc.


As far as jobs, im hearing and reading so many mix reports, I'm a Gas engineer currently working for British Gas also im a qualified plumber as well. My partner is a medical rep and also a qualified acupuncturist.


There are so many question that need i need to be answered but at the moment im looking for job agencies who deal with mine and partners skills and property agents in the joodaalup region, the other questions will have to wait till later.






Sure that any gas engineers will help re the work issue but check out www.seek.com.au re jobs.


This site is packed with all that type of information, and people's own individual views on much of it, so just have a good read through all the various threads and posts in the first instance and that will give you a feel for areas that concern you or you want to research. The bottom line is that everything here is driven by what you will be able to afford, and as it has been mentioned so many times on this site, that will determine where you end up living and what schools your kids have to go to. having been here for a visit you will understand about the expense and cost of living.


Anyway here is a starter for ten in relation to a lot of the research you may still need to undertake. Once you have read the basics you can then be able to ask more specific, targeted questions on the forum. Happy reading and good luck with it all. Oh and by the way I am in Joondalup so if you need anything answered about the suburb just let me know.


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Schools and Education







Also if you / anyone would like a copy of an Excel sheet that allows you in plug in all your estimated budgets / income / expenditure figures then just Private Message me with your e-mail address and I will send a copy.

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