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Removers all booked!!


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Yipee removers are all booked. They come in 12 weeks yesterday and so in 12 weeks time right now, container will be filled and left my property. We are then spending two nights in a local hotel before going to the airport hotel on the Sunday night. I am just so excited (the nerves and leadweight are on my chest) but I'm on cloud 9.


I think its because we have been sorting this out for 2 and a bit years so our life was sort of put on hold as everything we did was for Oz and now the dream will be a reality. Friends are saying that they never thought we would go through with it, some family members still think we will not be boarding the plane. The fact that we found a new home for our beloved cats (still keep crying over that, even though its been over a year) was still not a big clue for some people. (it was not that we were cruel, they were like family members but the vet advised that our small delicate one would most probably not make the journey and quarantine and they were brother and sister so no chance of separating them). Hopefully we will have two cats and dog once we have settled. Middle son also wants a pet snake, really not sure about that one.


Today I have organised a few farewell dos for myself and in May and June I have the kids three different parties all organised. My only concern is the big come down that I am sure will happen after we land, we have our short term holiday let organised, just a tad concerned about finding a long term rental (but hubby keeps saying it will be fine). Sorting schools etc. Hubby still has to find a job, but we know in reality that is not going to happen until we land and he can then put himself out there. We are lucky that we have savings and don't need to find work for at least 8 months, maybe longer if we still feel Perth is for us. Just a little bit unnerving not to have these things in place.


Everyone on here who is already out there seems very nice, some of you have had me in stitches with your comments you are so funny and very honest (which is much appreciated) and hopefully over time I will make some great friends.


Twelve weeks and counting, I really don't know how I'm going to survive.:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

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