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Business networking anyone?


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Hi all,


I have been using this site over the past 18 months to keep an eye on everything. I have not posted too much, only when I felt I had something to offer but I must say how useful it has been for us.


My wife and I, along with our two daughters arrived in Perth 2 weeks ago on a PR visa and I started work last week. I have been selling office supplies in the UK for over 15 years and am looking to make a good start/impression as soon as possible.


I would be very grateful if anyone out there is in a position to put me in touch with any contacts/companies here in Perth. I have joined a fantastic team and we have a great reputation. Please PM me if there is anything you can do, of course in return I would be happy to recommend other users for business etc.


If you have friends or family in a position to at least put me in touch with, that would also be a great help!


I am looking to get into some networking and possibly even make some friends at the same time, I enjoy what I do and already my kids don't want to go home so it's important that my wife and I make a good start.


Hope to hear from you guys, thank you.




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