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ACPC200's Achievements


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  1. Hi, Have a look here - http://www.acecqa.gov.au/assessment-of-equivalent-early-childhood-educator-qualifications You do have to get them assessed, I will be going through the same thing shortly. I have found the whole process really confusing. Best off to email them and see what they advise. Let us know how you get on, best of luck!
  2. I didn´t need one. I supplied my driving licence and passport and they were accepted. First I uploaded my passport then my CO requested another form of national identity such as my licence. It worked and my visa came through last week. Good luck.
  3. typed a message and it disappeared! anyway, thanks for the feedback. I am currently in Spain and what with my Spanglish being ....Spanglish it´s been a trying time getting the meds organised. There are only 2 places in the whole of Spain that do the meds, meaning I have to fly to get to the nearest place! Just want to get everything right. Thanks again, I hope its the same process here...
  4. Hello, I´m looking for a clarification on this. I have organised my health appointment for Monday, I do not have a CO assigned yet. I have printed off my HAP Referral Letter to take with me. I keep reading about forms 160 and 26 - do I need to print these out and take them with me or is it all completed electronically? I have emailed the clinic I am going to but have had no response as yet. Any help appreciated.
  5. No they haven´t asked for any proof of any funds at all.
  6. Hi, Sorry I lost the thread. From what I remember in one of the application forms, the visa one I think, it asked about funds. It asked how much money I had and where it was e.g. current, savings, value of house etc. They did not ask for any proof of these funds. I will have a look and post back here if I can add anything else.
  7. a few hours, same day at least, congrats
  8. Yes it´s very similar to the skills assessment. Passports will do as a travel document or national identity cards if you have one. Colour scans don´t need to be certified - you are correct! I would start uploading some of those docs to save a bit of time if you can. It´s going to take me ages! Fingers crossed you hear from them soon.
  9. and for secondary applicant - my husband [TABLE=width: 758] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Relationship - Spouse, De facto Partner, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Character, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Birth or Age, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Language Ability - English , Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Health, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Custody, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Form 1221 Additional personal particulars form[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Travel Document[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] I also think we are waiting for a case officer - no time frame on how long that takes as yet.
  10. [TABLE=width: 758] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Birth or Age, Evidence of - Passport[/TD] [TD=class: align-left]31/07/2013[/TD] [TD=class: align-left]Required[/TD] [TD=class: align-left]Attach document[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Character, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Language Ability - English , Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Qualifications - Australian, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Qualifications - Overseas, Evidence of - Letter/Statement - Education Institution[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Skills Assessment, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Travel Document[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Work Experience - Australian, Evidence Of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Work Experience - Overseas, Evidence Of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Health, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Identity, Evidence of[/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [TD=class: align-left][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: align-left]Qualifications - Overseas, Evidence of - Other (specify)[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] That´s for me - the primary applicant - colour scanned or black and white certified
  11. I have been filling it out all day! I´ve completed the app form and am at the stage where I need to supply supporting documents. I now have to wait for my police checks and have a medical before I can go any further. I live in Spain and there are only 2 places in the whole country where we can do our medicals, I actually have to book a flight to get there! I have done it without an agent and it´s all going ok, the longest time is waiting for documents that I have requested from institutions. Writing/typing out the same info over and over on lots of different form is driving me up the wall but it will all be worth it in the end, won´t it?!
  12. Hey, mine took 3 working days for the invite to apply for the visa.
  13. Hello - I had to wait 3 days for an email which asks to print out, sign, scan and email back the agreement. Not long to wait I thought....! You should get yours soon enough.
  14. That´s comforting to hear so thanks for that! I emailed them again yesterday so will post reply when they get back to me.
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