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About LucysDream

  • Birthday 04/11/1986

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Rheann, I have added you on fb. When we get a few more replys we can decide on time and place. Is both the city and subi fine with you, or any preference? Lucy x
  2. Hi all, there seems to be a few of us looking to meet up. Perhaps we could set a date. Is anyone free this Friday or the Friday after? We could do after work drinks in the city or Subi? I work in Northbridge so can get to either. I am going back to the UK for a visit 7th June so it would be good to meet up before that. Let me know your thoughts and feel free to add me on Facebook; Lucy Griffin - pic at pinnacles. Hi Sarah-Anne, I couldn't find you on fb. Feel free to add me. Hi Jenny, thanks for the add, I sent u a pm. Lucy xx
  3. Hi Jenny, I am 26 and from the Midlands UK and always looking to meet new people and make friends. I am also here with my partner and currently live SOR, and work in the city. I would be up for after work drinks in Subi. That goes for Grace and Steph too. You can find me on Facebook, Lucy Griffin (picture of me and friend at the pinnacles) Lucy xx
  4. Yes there is a storm going on outside right now in WA!!! Very wet and windy! I'm sure it will only last this week, hopefully!
  5. Hi all, I moved here a week ago from the Midlands with my OH. We are a childless couple, I am 25 and my Oh Dan is 29. We are currently living in Beaconsfield which is very close to Fremantle. Would love to meet other people. Feel free to pm me. Lucy x
  6. Hi Pozzy girl, I have been here for one week now! My name is Lucy and I am 25. I moved here with my boyfriend Dan(29) from the Midlands. We are currently living in Beaconsfield. Feel free to message me, I would love to meet up with people as this is all very new! Lucy x
  7. LucysDream


    Hi Emily, I arrived with my boyfriend a week ago. We are a childless couple and currently living in Beaconsfield which is very close to Fremantle. I'm 25 and my OH is 29. Feel free to message me. I would love to meet up with other people. Lucy x
  8. Well we had our leaving party last night and it was fantastic! I certainly have a reason to visit the UK with such great friends & family. I can't believe we leave on Saturday....does not feel real yet!
  9. Hey Katy, I finished work last Friday, and we fly out next Saturday! We are only just starting to pack up and should be shipping ours next week along with the car. Saying that we are only shipping the car plus a handful of boxes so not much. We will also put stuff in the car. I am also a lady of leisure now, my OH finishes work this Friday so we will both be umemployed. We are having our leaving party this Saturday for family & friends, I have brought a load of Aussie decor. Good luck, Lucy x
  10. Well less then 5 weeks now until we get on that one way flight. I handed in my notice last Monday at work:biggrin:. Today I handed in our notice for the house. We will be shipping my oh's car in a couple of weeks, I just need to sort the house with all my junk! I am very excited!!!!! We will be staying in Beaconsfield for the first 8 weeks, so close to Fremantle. I hope everyone else's planning or new lives is going well. :ssign19: Lucy xx
  11. We are leaving the UK on 5th May and will arrive late on the Sunday evening/Monday morning. We ended up booking our holiday let for 8 weeks as we don't want to rush in finding a new one, plus we want a little holiday to start with. Are you moving with family? It's just my other half and I going.
  12. Hi Sharon, we booked on airbnb.com It's a site mainly where people let a room in their house etc.... We have got a separate unit all to ourselves. It's worth a look with your dates to see what's available. Lucy.
  13. Thanks all for the replies. For some reason only had an e-mail today to say I had replies to this thread unless I missed it previously. We decided to book ours for 8 weeks. We do not want to rush when we arrive and will probably just have a little holiday to begin with. We also want to visit all areas as never never been to WA to see where we would like to live.
  14. Just to add, we have found a holiday let unit for less then $500 pw, and now thinking 4 weeks will go pretty quick, so thinking 8 weeks would be better. May give us more time to settle and get things sorted. I just don't want us to be stranded!!
  15. Hi all, We plan to arrive in Perth May next year. I am looking at holiday lets for when we arrive but unsure how long we should get one for? We will want to get a longer term rental but not sure how long this could take. We were thinking of booking the holiday let for perhaps 4 weeks? Thanks for any advice, Lucy.
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