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  1. Thanks Georgiasmammy - thought so - was free when I last obtained it, but need to renew passport and Australia now charges for it - wasn't clear if UK had also introduced a fee. I know I don't need it but from experience it's more convenient having the stamp in the passport
  2. has anyone had their visa verification stamp put in their UK passports lately at the Migration Branch in LONDON - just wondering if that place still does the stamps and if so is it still free (website doesn't say much and I'm about to renew a passport for a forthcoming visit)
  3. Thanks for that Roxy - it's certainly a worrying and stressful time going through a high-risk pregnancy - some people don't know how lucky they are to breeze through it Wish you and baby well. x
  4. Anyone know of a 'safe' and effective way of ridding house of carpet beetles/larva. House is rented, carpets are new, I hoover/dust constantly - but I still find these little bugs crawling on the walls and have even found them amongst clothes. Hate these walk-in-wardrobes with no doors!
  5. Bit late I know - but.... My 4 yo daughter had skin allergies back in the UK and I stocked up on enough medication (creams/ointments etc) to last her till she was in her teens, lol. My family thought I was mad!! Seriously, different weather conditions meant her skin improved immensely and apart from the first few months, she hasn't had to use any of the creams I bought over. I only did this because I wasn't sure if they had the same stuff here (not all brands work the same). Kids pay for 'prescribed' medicines here unlike the UK so I was just ensuring I had adequate stock until I was able to compare products. Nowt wrong with that. Most stuff here cheap enough so you don't really need to stock up on anything. Once you get here you may miss a certain thing, but you can always get family/friends to bring it over when they next visit. Can't think of anything I miss from UK (except my family, lol).
  6. Hi I'm not pregnant yet - just thinking about it. Have been in Australia almost a year now and I still don't completely understand the health care system. Just wondered if anyone who's had a 'complicated' pregnancy since moving here can offer me some advice... When I was pregnant back in the UK I was considered 'high risk' following a late miscarriage caused by a blood-clot. I had to take daily injections/medication and be regularly monitored under a specialist. Everything there was covered by the NHS. Here, I don't currently have private healthcare so was wondering what exactly would be covered under my Medicare and would specialist care be monitored locally in my local hospital (Joondalup) or the main hospital down in Perth. As I am not actively trying for a baby just yet, I have not really spoke in depth to my GP other than to ask about the medication, which incidentally she was unable to answer (waste of an appointment!). There is a 12-month waiting period for the pregnancy element of any private healthcare, so unless I am prepared to wait another year for the insurance to take effect (which I'm not), I am contemplating returning back to the UK. Also, I don't have any family members here or close friends yet established - so I was wondering what would happen to my two small children if I was suddenly rushed into hospital (can kids be present in the labour ward - not that I'd want them there). Of course I'll have hubby, but I'm thinking just in case he's not nearby. This was never an issue back in UK as I had my mum So many things to think about - any advice much appreciated. Thanx
  7. Hi Maggie - my husband is doing something completely different now. Whilst there is loads of 'residential' bricklaying jobs NOR the working conditions are a little more 'relaxed' and unfortunately regular work was never guranteed. He's now working towards his HR licence so that he can get a FIFO job on the mines - that is where the money is Again, this is an area where most people are struggling to get into. Your husband won't have any problems finding work in Perth - especially NOR as this is where they are selling great chunks of land and thousands of houses need building
  8. Can't be easy - especially at your age leaving an already established life back home. But hey, settling takes time - jobs here are easier to find than back home, you'll make friends in time and with the sun, sea and surf it's like being on a permanent holiday, lol. I moved here with my family leaving behind my network of support. I'm a bit older than you (won't say) but I rely heavily on my mom - without her here and not knowing anyone either I feel quite alone, sometimes struggling as I can no longer just turn to her for help. But I am determined to make this work - if not for my kids sake. There is not much of a future back in UK, all doom and gloom. Perhaps there are people your age willing to befriend you on here... Stay stong and keep smiling, good luck.
  9. Thanks Andy, one of my company pensions is a Council one which I do believe is final salary - I'm seeing a Westpac advisor soon so hopefully he'll explain all this not just talk me into transferring...
  10. Ian - lol, hubby is desparate to get out of building trade now and has even considered taking on plumbing (but as he will have to start as an apprentice I think it is 4 or 5 years training). If you have all the relavant skills etc I do believe that trade is doing OK here. At least you would be working even when it rains... Sam - we live North (Butler - best known as 'Little Britain' due to the number of british), great place to live especially for families. We chose to live North as they are expanding along the coast, so plenty of land being sold and thousands of houses to be built. There is no shortage of bricklaying jobs - just 'skilled' bricklaying jobs. Hubby says there is no money to be made in residential work as the majority are contracted out to small 'gangs' and therefore constant work is not guranteed. He has tried desperately to get back into the commercial stuff, working for a proper company. I don't think your husband will have a problem finding work - just that he may be disillusioned if he is skilled and expecting bigger and better.
  11. In hindsight - wish we'd brought our car here - still struggling to sell my nice 4 year old Ford C-Max back in UK (still sat on mum's drive) and for the price of our replacement car we have a rust bucket. Cars here are very expensive compared to UK. My second car Peugeot 206 - I just gave to my brother as it wasn't worth selling it. If you can afford it -then I'd recommend bringing them over - as previous post says just weigh up costs of shipping etc.
  12. Thanks Phil - yes I saw that little small print I'm still within the 6 months so guess I should make a decision soon.
  13. Hi We moved to WA earlier this year after hubby secured a 176 visa in Bricklaying. During the process we read with interest how WA was screaming out for skilled bricklayers! My husband specialises in regeneration and renovation and is used to working on large scale projects across the UK. Since arriving here in April, my husband has struggled to secure a position with any large 'recognised' company (although believe me he has tried). Instead he has had to resort to working with smaller jobs building residential properies. Whilst the pay is OK, work is not consistant and he has yet to complete a full week - not great since he is currently the only wage earner in our household. Health and safety is shocking and as there is no union - it seems anything goes (even drinking alchol on the job ). The situation is very frustrating considering all the hard work and effort we put into coming here. Even jobs in mining is extremely difficult to get into - it appears everyone has jumped on the 'band-wagon' so it's more a case of who you know rather than what you know. There are a number of courses you need to take (which aren't cheap) before you're even considered and even then you're not guaranteed a job. Don't get me wrong - I love it here and still think we have made the right choice especially for the family. It's a great place for the kids and I'm sure eventually things will work out for us!! I just want to know how WA can justify a shortage in skilled bricklayers as my husband has not found one yet. So - anyone out there working for any major construction company who thinks they would benefit from a hard worker like my husband - please feel free to PM us. Tania
  14. Hi I've been advised to transfer any money from my UK pension funds into an Australian superannuation fund - apparently there are many advantages to doing this. I haven't got much but I have two separate company pensions which I no longer contribute into, so figured I haven't got much to lose if I transferred it all into one here... Has anyone done it, do you recommend doing it and if so which company?? Cheers Tania
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