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  1. Hey everyone, It's been nearly 3 years since we were last on Perth poms when we first moved here. This site was so helpfull when we first arrived and it's time once again to ask for some advice!! We've decided that we would like to purchase our very own piece of paradise and stick a house on it but thought we would put it out there and see how others have found the whole process? Can't seem to get many straight answers on why I'm being told that it would prob take 6 months from purchasing a plot of land to the commencement of the build even when titles are already issued on the land. Thoughts & advice most appriciated
  2. Just to let you know we put our very first rental application in on Wednesday and it was accepted today!!!! So thank you all for your excellent advice, it has been invaluable!! :biggrin:
  3. We came over here with absolutely nothing, no jobs lined up, nowhere to live etc. We did quite a bit of research before we came, my husband is a brickie and I am a technical instructor at a college teaching animal care, so a bit random!! We both started looking up different possible places for work and making contacts before we arrived, didn't get a huge amount of response, however some came back and said drop us a line when you get here. My husband has an aussie passport (but not been back to Oz for 30 odd years) and I am on a spouse visa. We arrived last Wednesday about 1am and by Friday both had jobs (my husband had 2 offers on the friday)!! Not brilliant 'career move' type jobs, but both short term to help fill in while we find the right thing. I am working part-time in a cattery (a job I applied for whilst still back in the UK) and my husband is working on a large construction site - money not great, $25 per hour, but bearing in mind I wasn't expecting to get anything for a long time and thought maybe I'd have to go voluntary to get anything animal-related its worked out brilliantly. I also made contact with a college before I came out here, and they contacted me on last Friday, asking me if I was in Perth yet and would I be interested in some teaching work on their animal science course, so its all fallen into place quite well so far! From our experience, I would recommend starting to make contacts before you come out and spec your CV to any possible companies you'd like to work for - don't feel disheartened if you don't get much of a response while you are still in the UK, however it can pay dividends when you can contact them on arrival and are ready to start work, as we've found! Its worth getting any qualifications you might need ASAP or before you come over if its possible - my husband did his white card exam (which you have to have to work on building sites in Australia) back in the UK, so he had it for when we arrived. It seems if you are proactive here, it really does work! Best of luck!!
  4. Hi Louise, That would be great! Bindoon is quite a way from where we are, but if your auntie is a horsey person I'm sure she will know of other places that might be a bit closer! We are probably going to end up being around the Joondalup area. I really miss being around horses, as I'm sure you can understand!! Thanks! Deb
  5. Thanks Jillie14, we've been out and about looking today around Joodulup/Currumbine areas and have viewed 2 apartments that are pretty decent and within our price range - seems like Currumbine is better value for money, as its not right in the middle of things, which is fine for us! We are going to apply for one and offer a bit more than the stated rental, as well as 3 months rent in advance, so we are hoping that this might make us stand out from other applicants! We got chatting to the agent there and asked a lot of questions and mentioned about paying a few months in advance, so hoping she might remember us!! No-one else really seemed to speak to her or ask anything but I guess its really hard to tell with these things!! we had already seen your previous post with hints for looking for rentals, and found it really useful and constructive, so thanks very much for that, thank God for people like you!!
  6. No, not looked at that one!! Will give it a go - thanks!! You guys are full of great ideas!!
  7. Thanks Paul & Deb!! I will check that out, nice and local!!
  8. Cool, thanks for the advice! We have been scanning the internet (realestate.com.au mainly) over quite a wide search area and there seems to be quite a few apartments, 1 bed studios and duplex type properties from $350-£450p/w?? This is what we have initially based our budget on, so a bit confused now??? Or are these just in really awful areas?? Although a couple have been Joondalup boulevard, Mount Lawley etc. Very confused!!!!
  9. Hey, I've just moved to Perth from the UK and am looking for somewhere to go riding and preferably get a horse on lease. I had a horse on full loan back in the UK and did showjumping/cross country and general hacking etc. I'm a pretty experienced rider so would love to find somewhere that can offer a bit more than just the bog standard trail rides/basic lessons etc. If anyone knows of anywhere NOR (I live in the Kingsley area, but drive so happy to travel) or where horsey type stuff is advertised I'd love to hear!!! Thanks! Deb
  10. Hey all! We are a young(ish! 33/34) couple and have just moved to Perth. We are currently staying with friends in Kingsley and have managed to find jobs within a few days of arriving luckily! One of us is going to be based in Canning Vale initially (this may move around, as its job in the construction industry) and the other one is based part-time in Wannaroo and part-time Canning Vale/Murdoch way (however these are casual roles initially, so again location might change!). We are really struggling to decide on areas to live, we have looked at Joondalup, but not 100% as have heard there are alot of Uni students living there. We have also looked at areas such as Subiaco and Mount Lawley, but don't want to be quite so close to the City if we don't need to be, cos of traffic etc. Can anyone recommend any areas in between that are nice and would make our work places fairly easy to get to? We'd be happy with an apartment or small house, budget to about $450p/w. Quite flexible on type of suburb, don't mind quiet or a bit lively (we weren't put off by the apartments we've seen that are in the centre of Joondalup). We don't have kids or pets, so are really flexible! This probably sounds really vague, but it would be brilliant to hear any suggestions!!!
  11. Hi everyone, We finally arrived in Perth yesterday! So far first impressions are great! Would be really keen to meet up if the get together on 14th goes ahead - we are currently staying with friends in Kingsley so Perth centre is really accessible! Sarah & Julian, we would really like to get some advice on getting things set up with accommodation etc. so will message you if you don't mind? Hope everyone is getting on ok!! Dale & Deb
  12. Hi Guys, Yeah a pre-Oz drink sounds great! We have moved out today and are now living with my mum, so its feeling very real now. Totally understand where you are coming from with the cats...it would be sooo stressful for them what with quarantine etc. I'm going to send you a PM with our e-mail address so we can get something in the diary. Also when you reply I could then forward my CV onto James if he doesn't mind. Get packing those boxes!!!!!! D&D
  13. Hi Both, Deb currently teaches the practical side of animal husbandry and sciences at a college in Mottingham, so would ideally love to find the same kind of role out there. She has applied for a couple of similar jobs in the past week or so but we probably won't find out either way if she has made it to interview for another 2-3 weeks. If Deb can work with animals in one way or another she would be really happy; however she worked in banking recruitment in the city for 7 years so could always fall back on that if needs be. I too will be be looking to work in construction. I've run my own business for the past 9 years here working on residential extensions and refurbishments. I get the feeling that Oz doesn't have 'General Builders' like you find in the UK so will go back to my routes as a bricklayer. Is the job that James got lined up in construction? That's good that you've got a few weeks to get sorted - we've had a crazy weekend.......it was our last one in our house before we move out this week. We had thought that we were on top of things but seem to be uncovering more and more crap around the house that we had forgotten about or not known we had!! Hope your next few weeks go ok. Keep in touch Dale & Deb
  14. We set up accounts with ANZ. Set up in the UK a few weeks ago even tho we are not going to Perth till March. Didn't need to deposit any monies to open either!!
  15. Haha!!! I can't believe you guys are so local to us! We are not getting stuff shipped over just yet, we hope to find a furnished place out there for the first 6 months and get it sent out once we are more settled but thanks for the 'heads up'; we'll probably need them eventually. 19th March eh.....how exciting! We will hopefully be going around the same time. Deb finishes work on the 16th March and just as long as her visa is already here we will be going within the following week. What will you guys be doing for jobs out there?
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