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  1. Hi there we have just made the move to Perth on a 457 after what seems like an age of planning and finally landed last week. We are currently staying with some friends in Success but are keen to get our own place in the Southern suburbs (near work) and branch out a bit. We are a (fairly!) young married couple - no kids - and are pretty sociable. Have enjoyed the cappuccino strip and little creatures in Freo and that kind of atmosphere and looking forward to getting to Margaret river sometime. Be nice to meet some other people who have gone through the same move and have been in our shoes.
  2. Hi there we recently moved from the uk and are 31/30 with no kids but would be happy to meet up with you. I also work in healthcare here and just started working this week. We are living in Success. Just figuring out this site so either reply to this or Pm us - Lewis and Steph
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