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  1. Excellent. We flew over last week and my son got into SCBC too. He starts in the new year. Was very impressed with the school. Thanks for telling me to check it out
  2. great thanks Dan.. Its so hard to get it right never thought we would have to do again... LOL Will check out SC Baptist, what are the fees? I have read somewhere that rockingham area has great soccer facilities. Cant remember where though Thanks
  3. We will be heading to perth in about 2 months and am wondering if anyone can give me some feedback on Comet Bay College vs Baldives Secondary College. We are a family of 4 living in Sydney Hubby working SOR Me SOHM at the moment so would like to get to know local people Boy 14, currently in a gifted program at school and plays a good level of soccer & cricket (we have heard comet bay has a gifted program) Girl 10 into netball dance etc. We have also heard there is a lot more happening socially in Baldives for my son to go with his friends. Is secret harbour too quiet? Any feedback good and bad would be great. Thanks
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