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About Cornishpoms

  • Birthday 17/05/1980

Cornishpoms's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Reassurance needed please!! we've been here almost ten wks now. Hubby has had trouble adjusting and my daughter struggles some days. Myself....well I try not to think of home to much, but when I do I'm starting to find being away hard. But it's my son that's my main concern!! He's 13 and really wanted to come. But ever since Xmas he's been really homesick. Begging to go back to the uk.... It's been really hard. He started school and done 6wks before the holidays, but is finding it hard to meet up with friends and socialise. So all 4 of us are struggling. Please tell me it gets better?!!
  2. Happy travels guys! we've been here nearly 10wks, gone so fast.
  3. I love the classes. Yet to do lots in the uk, so want to get back to it! hopelly our container should arrive on the 8th, then customs.....!!!
  4. Rob, how long have you been in Perth?
  5. Yes, the house is 5mins from dog beach. And we've just join that gym :0)
  6. We found a really lovely house in the quinns beach area of quinns rock. A little more pricy than we would have liked, but you get what you pay for! I was really thinking the dog would go against us, but seems not! just want to move in and get the kids settled into school and hubby into work!
  7. Only been here since Wednesday and at least four people have said "avoid clarkson"!! Lucky our house is not in the catchment area.....phew!
  8. Does anyone one have children at either of these school? We have just got a rental within the catchment area. My son will go into year 8 at butler and my daughter year 6 at quinns.
  9. We arrive 10hrs later than planned, due to the 'storm' in the south Sunday night!! everything is beginning to far into place already. We've bought a car, sorted phone and have secured a lease on a really lovely house :0). Our dog arrived into quarantine this morning and is happy and settled. hoping everything else falls into place this easily... I'm kinder waiting for something to go wrong!!
  10. Not been to bad to be honest! Think Saturdays going to be the worst..... Lots of family coming to say good bye
  11. Thanks for the lovely comment, and the good news on the toothbrush front! We're only in Singapore for 2hrs so long enough to spend any free dollers, I'll have to look into that one.
  12. This time next week we'll be on route to Singapore.....scary!! Strange question it know...... Do Singapore airlines give out toothbrushes on board? Need to know wether it's worth taking some. Thanks
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