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Hi All!


Its been officially over 3 weeks now since me and my girlfriend applied for our Visas and basically are now waiting on the shout to go for Medicals and police checks. The police checks don't worry me as we dont have a criminal record however I cant help but worry about the medicals. Although we are both in our mid 20s and are healthy im just panicking (and probably being stupid) that something might come up! No doubt my head just doing overtime as this is basically the last obstacle in our way now! Can anyone tell me what their experience of the medical was and if they also where an idiot like me and worried for no reason haha



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I had my medical on 1 nov before being asked. I had spinal surgery last year and have had an episode of post natal depression. Told the doc everything and passed the physical examination. Had to have bloods and x-ray and the doc told me that if there were any probs with them I would hear within the next 48 hours. Never heard a thing from them. Then last Tuesday DIAC asked for my police check which I had already done also ahead of time and I sent that (it arrived in the post on the Monday). That was sent wed. They never mentioned anything about my medical. Don't know if it has been referred due to my health problems but time will tell.



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I think it is totally natural to worry about the medicals, you rationally know that you are well, healthy people, but sadly rationality goes completely out of the window when applying for a visa (I think they should put a sign at the door telling you that once you start the process and step over the threshold that you have now left all rational judgement behind!). I was worried that we would get referred for some reason or another (we have 3 kids with the various ailments that go with kids!) but thankfully we all passed. The medical staff that you see are generally lovely (the ones we saw were) and want to help you get through the medical, my husbands bp was high on the first reading (they took it while I had been sent for x-ray and he was looking after the kids - it was never going to be low at that point!) but they said not to worry and re-did it for him later on when he was on his own and could relax a bit more.

My best advice (which is wonderful with the benefit of hindsight!) is to relax and stay calm, if you dont think you have any medical conditions, it is unlikely (although granted not totally impossible!) that they will find one!

Try and relax, you will have plenty of time to get stressed enough when your time comes to organise the big move! :wink:

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I think it is totally natural to worry about the medicals, you rationally know that you are well, healthy people, but sadly rationality goes completely out of the window when applying for a visa (I think they should put a sign at the door telling you that once you start the process and step over the threshold that you have now left all rational judgement behind!). I was worried that we would get referred for some reason or another (we have 3 kids with the various ailments that go with kids!) but thankfully we all passed. The medical staff that you see are generally lovely (the ones we saw were) and want to help you get through the medical, my husbands bp was high on the first reading (they took it while I had been sent for x-ray and he was looking after the kids - it was never going to be low at that point!) but they said not to worry and re-did it for him later on when he was on his own and could relax a bit more.

My best advice (which is wonderful with the benefit of hindsight!) is to relax and stay calm, if you dont think you have any medical conditions, it is unlikely (although granted not totally impossible!) that they will find one!

Try and relax, you will have plenty of time to get stressed enough when your time comes to organise the big move! :wink:



Thank you for both replies, must admit I feel slightly relieved that im not the only one haha! Between going for your medical and being granted a visa what was roughly your time scale? Sorry for the questions but coming on this every other day and my jealousy gets worse of those people who have their visas or who have now made the move haha!

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