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Everything posted by travelchic

  1. travelchic


    Hi all. Hope you're all well. Not been on for a while. Ssoorrrrrryyyyyyy!!!! Considering a move to Newman. Anyone been or live there. I've got 3 job roles here and love it but want something different. Can anyone give me any info. Debs.
  2. They collected mine on 4th april and delivered it to us on 27th june.
  3. travelchic


    Yeah but I'm ok now thanks. I'm a tough cookie. Fact!! Lol
  4. travelchic


    No you don't get used to it but thats what happens when you move across the world. So long as you don't let it eat you up you'll be good. So the ielts is booked. Good luck x x
  5. travelchic


    I'm feeling homesick too. I was ok up until xmas and then I felt it. Then my son arrived in jan for 3 weeks with his girlfriend and it was great. Then I had to take them to the airport yesterday and I'm broken hearted. It was harder than when we left home to come here. Can't stop crying. I know it'll pass but I hate feeling like this. Anyway, a good cry means you pee less!! X
  6. Another vote for John Adams from immigration2oz. I also bumped into him at an expo and he also knew my case inside out. Cant recommend him enough. He gave me my contract to take home and read before making any commitments. I didn't feel rushed into making any decisions. And either him or one of his team got straight back to me if I had any queries. Debs
  7. How Attatched are you to your kidneys?? Lol
  8. Brushing up in the garden and before I can put it all in the bin, a big gust of wind came along and blew it all over the place. Boooo.
  9. Spent half an hour chatting to nikkiwd at the swimming pool today whilst the children learnt to swim. it was nice having someone to chat to. Thanks Nik x
  10. Your back will thank you for that decision lol Debs
  11. Same here chic. Think I'm too old. Think I'm just going to try and get into a different kind of nursing. Although right now I'm nursing a glass of wine pmsl. Debs
  12. Hey, I live in Beldon, 5 minutes from the beach in 2x1. I earn less than $60k and manage to put about $500 a month away. There is only 2 of us, 1 adult 1 child, but there are other rentals in my area that are the same price for 3x1. I only work part time and could earn more if I worked full time but I came here to be able to spend more time with Jonny. So for me the extra time at home is more valuable than the extra money. I find that if your willing to look around at prices before you buy things like petrol, food, clothes etc then its not really more expensive than the UK. We manage ok and we're happy. Debs
  13. I don't know Janine. I might look at the university courses and see. I love where I work but its so different to what I'm used to. I had much more autonomy in the UK and I find it a bit frustrating. Plus I'm going to lose some of my skills where I work because its diagnostic only and I find I'm missing the therapeutic side of things. I miss the rush of a patient being rushed in with hematemesis and a Hb of 4. And the whole 'job well done team' when the patient has been stabilised and we can all breath again. What do you fancy? Debs
  14. Just heard an ad on the radio that Spudshed are selling 15 punnets of strawberries for $6 today only while stocks last. I'm not getting any as Jonny and I would never eat that many strawberries and I don't bake or make jam but I thought I'd share in case anyone else was interested. That's all folks. Debs
  15. I'm a nurse and Jonny is a full time student lol. I am considering changing the type of nursing I do or having a complete change in occupation and trying something else though. Debs.
  16. hey that's great news. you both must be chuffed. what a way to start your weekend. Debs.
  17. Yeah I was. Jonny has swimming lessons there. I didn't see you but the Friday before I thought I saw you but wasn't quite sure if it was you lol. Do you go every Friday too?
  18. I've read The Slap. Good read. I love anything by Dean Koontz (careful how you say that), although a couple of them have been a bit dark. I like Linda LaPlante books and James Patterson. I'm going to get the Kite Runner too. I only read at night in bed and quite often fall asleep with the book still in my hand. Then I have difficulty finding where I was upto and end up re-reading a chapter or two. As you can imagine, it sometimes takes me a couple of weeks to read a whole book lol. Debs
  19. I've not really felt homesick yet. Is there something wrong with me??? The only thing I really struggle with is what's going on in school. For instance I read in the schools newsletter that Jonny had a learning journey is school. I didn't think anything of it until the teacher asked if I could make it. Its an opportunity for the children to show their parents all the work they have done. My manager was understanding and gave me the time off but the newsletter didn't mention about parents going. Same with the faction carnival (sports day). I didn't know that it was a sports day. In the UK a letter would be sent home encouraging parents to attend. Lucky I was off that day anyway. And Jonny won. Yay. One thing I don't think I'll ever get used to is teachers using the term kid. And I don't know why it bothers me because I use the word myself. You'll hear a teacher saying 'you can collect your kid at the main entrance' or 'make sure your kid has a hat' and it just sounds wrong. Oh and I don't like this whole MERGE thing going on on the freeway. Its like a free for all. And I miss roundabouts. I've not had any regrets about coming here but then its only been 3 months. I don't feel homesick. I don't feel the need to ask friends and family to send over certain foods or anything like that. I've found a lot of the shopping is pretty much the same standard that I'm used to. I don't seem to come on here anymore as much but I have been busy and am now finding more time for myself. I do find the Australian people a friendly bunch. I love that Jonny sits outside to eat his lunch at school and that he's got parks and sandpits and big fields to play in at breaktime. I also love that his vocabulary has increased with words that we don't use much in the UK. I love it when I've finished work early and we go to the park or beach to do homework (weather permitting). I love our little rental and I also love that my landlord lives in Bali. I love that I can have my pj's on and not have to get dressed to go and grab a bottle of wine because I can drive through (I know, lazy cow). I love the sound of crickets. I also love the fact that I'm planning which destination we'll visit for our first holiday (vacation lol). Debs
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