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My son Is going to be mortally embarrassed but here goes..........


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We have just arrived in Perth and are looking to move to Ocean Reef SHS catchment area. My daughter is 16 and is pretty laid back about the whole thing but my son who is 12, is taking some convincing!!


He loves his Xbox and was hoping that there might be someone out of there who has had kids in a similar position or have been there done that. He will start year 8 in a few weeks and is really nervous.


Does anyone have kids about the same age and going to Ocean Reef who has a gamer tag???? who would like to get in touch. He thinks that nobody plays the Xbox in Australia!!!!!




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It is mainly to do with the weather we have just left in Scotland. Rain for 3 months makes everyone weary so he spent probably too much time on the thing, over and above his football and gym etc. He has actually only been on the Xbox for as couple of hours in total since he arrived. Just thought it would be one good way of breaking the ice


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It is mainly to do with the weather we have just left in Scotland. Rain for 3 months makes everyone weary so he spent probably too much time on the thing, over and above his football and gym etc. He has actually only been on the Xbox for as couple of hours in total since he arrived. Just thought it would be one good way of breaking the ice



But he's got to get out there and meet them to have the "what level you on?" kind of conversation. Why not do something wild with him, something he might never have done back in Scotland - dinghy sailing on the Swan, kite surfing lessons, surf lifesaving? There have to be some clubs local to you that, even if he doesn't love it, it will at least get him talking to others and he might find other commonalities.

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Thanks for the input. We are busy researching different clubs and activities that we can take part in, both individually and as a family. We have only been here 3 days and just thought I would ask as it is something he loves and is familiar to him.


Wow guys, three days, give yourselves a break and relax a little. We're just approaching three years and it's only now that my son has found good friends. I know that doesn't sound reassuring but it does take some time. Enjoy these first few days of adventure and best wishes to your son, I'm sure he'll have no problem making friends but it does take time.

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Portlaunay, I was thinking the same thing.


These first few weeks will be full of you being tired, missing family, questioning what have you done. To be honest we let the kids decide what they wanted to do for the first few weeks, sometimes they just wanted to stay indoors playing minecraft on their laptops, we played a lot of scrabble those first weeks and going on the beach (and it was July and a bit cold and windy) and then jet lag hit me and I could not move off the sofa for a couple of days, whilst my hubby never slept for the first two weeks. This is such a big move for all of you, that you need to try and relax and chill, then once you feel a bit more normal, start to rebuilding your life. It does happen and everything does fall into place, you just need to give yourself some time otherwise you put too much pressure on yourself. All three of my kids made friends on their first day at their new schools and I'm sure your two will too and you can tell your son not to worry, lots of kids play Xbox and Playstation.

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Thanks everyone, but we are relaxing don't worry apart from hubby who only had 2 days off! The jet lag doesn't let us do anything else but relax.


I just wanted to know if there was anyone out there who may want to play on the Xbox!!! Ease the boy in a little.

Thanks anyway

Welcome to Perth, my son has just turned 12 & plays Xbox live when he gets home I'll get you his x box name (or whatever it's called) but apparently here most people use play station! & don't worry I'm sure he'll settle soon.

He's home now & his tag gillymut9

Edited by Lindsayg
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Hi beesenior!


I've not been on this site for ages & I've just popped on (when I should be working!), only to find a Dumbarton girl! :) I'm also from Dumbarton, we arrived in August 2013 & have recently moved to Hillary's which is not too far from you. My son is only 9 (nearly 10 & thinks he is 12!), but if you ever need a chat with or without kids, drop me a line. We're still settling in, to be honest the whole experience has been much harder than what we thought in every way, but things are slowly coming together. I'm not homesick, but very people sick...missing my friends & family. My son suffered from terrible homesickness, but is much more settled now.


Anyway, I thought I'd just drop by & say hello, if you fancy a coffee...or even better, a wine & chat then let me know! :)


Good luck with everything! :)

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