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Medical and Police checks


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Hi all, I am going through a schedule of what needs to be done for the whole visa and timescale to allow for results etc. My questions are once my IELTS and skills assessment come back and I apply for the EOI is there anything stopping me from going ahead and getting all the paperwork ready. The only disadvantage I can see is the visa expiry date is based on the medical date and the police checks. This does't bother me too much as I am applying from New Zealand (i'm irish though) so if I need to hop across the water the cost is not like I'm travelling from Ireland!


Just wanted to know your thoughts on getting paperwork ready or wait to get asked to do it all.

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You can go ahead with both before but you have to wait until your visa is submitted. There's a number that you need for your medical that you get once you've done that. Bear in mind that if you wait for your case officer to ask you, you only have a limited time to get them done. Think its 28 days. I got mine done before being asked. There's also different medical requests for different job types. Im a nurse and had to have extra bloods done which cost more.



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