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Arrival accommodation.


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Hi there folks,


We are looking at heading down Bunbury way and we are having all of our earthly possessions shipped over so need something furnished to rent for a few months until it all arrives.

So far I've only found holiday lets, is there anything else in-between holiday lets and unfurnished long rental houses??

We are coming over in beginning of June and would need something until mid August, since thats kind of out of season, are there deals to be made on holiday lets?

What did everybody else do when you came?

We have two small children and a small dog and are prepare to pay pet deposits and what ever else is needed to secure a rental.

It just seems like a lot of short term furnish rentals are around inner city Perth...

Thankful for any advice.


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We've gone down the holiday let route. I think unless you know someone and have connections this seems to be the most recommended route for short-term, although it is a bit costly. We've found something near padbury NOR but there we're places all over. Good look with your search.

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