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End of tax year australia 2014


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How does it work over here is this something everyone has to do or an option?


As i dont know much about the tax system over here or in fact much about it in the uk,i was asking around who does it and what it would cost me to have someone do it for me,but my question is what would i require it for,for what reason,would i be owe any money?Or yes could i have been overpaid?


I get family tax benifit a and b but not that much every two weeks they wanted an idea of what i could make over a year and i based it on that figure,but depending on how much work i would be on that year and what type of job i be on it could be more.

But its not been a good year and i would say i if lucky done 5 weeks work in that year,the first few months of arriving i did not really look as was so busy looking for rental,car,container on way and unpacking etc.

But pretty much full on after that applying and applying and not having much luck.


So looking at centrelink i see they will base me on the figure i said i earn on that year or i could lodge a tax return? and go with that figure,well as i have only done five weeks work in that year im nowhere near what i had said i make.

I can understand where they are coming from as they just want to see i have not been overpaid in benifits and would want paid back,but is it also possible i maybe should have been paid more based on what i only worked in that year?


My other question is i thought i was able to claim for courses i had done,which may have helped me find work better but im told its not but had been told before this i could,then there is a job i was on needed to buy my own tools not there anymore and wanted to claim for them.


Would it pay for me to have an accountant with what im asking above,as said is it a requirement,on just the family benifit thing alone would not want them to just take for granted i made what i quoted on that year i made way less,but does that make any difference to me.


I even here people claim for sunscreen and glasses your kiding right and im not able to claim back for course i needed or thought may help me get that job,i even have a course that needs refresher done by end of june and had hoped i could claim for this,but i am hearing this is not possible too.

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You have to submit a tax return. Get the Tax Pack and it's very straightforward. All your questions should be answered in The Tax Pack or by searching the ATO website. You can only claim expenses if they are incurred in earning your taxable income. So, that's why training costs before you start work won't be deductible. Tools can be depreciated or expensed against assessable income - read the ATO website. I wouldn't go paying anyone to do your tax unless it's complicated, which yours probably isn't. Also, sounds like you definitely won't pay tax but you MAY get some back. When the employer takes tax out of your pay they take it out at a rate as though you were earning that amount for a full year....

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