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Settlers Baldivis

Guest Brettsarah

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Guest Brettsarah

We have been here a couple of weeks loving it but our 17yr old is hot an cold with it doesn't help his girlfriend is in UK, we are in Hilton at the mo like it here but finding it hard to find a rental we like so have ventured to settlers (baldivis) nice place and lots of rentals good sizes and for us grown ups we can drive so no props getting anywhere what I wanted to ask is it mainly younger familys living there or is there a mixture are there any older teenagers and what do they think of the area?? hopefully he will start his driving lessons soon which might help he doesn't start college till next feb so want to keep him busy hopefully a job.




Sarah x

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Hey sarah , i have to say its really nice with parks etc .. but after chatting with other teenagers of around that age im not sure there is a lot to do unless your the family taxi :) i was chatting to a lady the other day and they had moved to Harrington waters as it was slightly easier for their daughter to get out and do stuff .. ie walk to beach , swimming , shopping etc .. Baldivis is on its way to being bigger and i suppose it depends what the kids are into ? sports etc ? then saying that theres a lot of teenagers here that go to Tranby etc .. so who knows , we moved here over a year ago and really like it :)

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