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22 year old girl moving to perth looking to make new friends :)

Guest jennaclarkson27

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Guest jennaclarkson27

heyyy i have just had my visa accepted today :) I am looking to go the first week in may (counting down the days)

I am 22 years old just wondering if anyone of a similar age is heading out there or living out in perth already, My interests are socialising, having fun, going to the gym, eating out and many other things :) if anyone wants to message me feel free x

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Guest jennaclarkson27


not too sure yet which areas would you reccomend looking at as i dont want to pick a bad one haha! ohh really how much are they? x

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Guest Andy27M

Hi Jenna!


Good to see your post.. I am moving to Perth in April 13. I also don't have any friends staying in Perth.

Lets meet over a coffee may be! :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest SAFFY25

Hi Jenna,


I've just moved to Perth myself, i'm a 25 year old living in the Subiaco area which is lovely but quite pricey.

It can be quite daunting and hard to meet new people when you first get here, so happy to meet for a coffee if you need a friendly face.



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Hi Jenna,


I remember the excitement of counting down the days too!


Been here a week myself with my other half & we have hit the ground running trying to settle into Perth... I'm 25, he is 26 & we are looking for a place in & around the CBD, although we somewhat underestimated the prices here!


I can only reiterate what Sarah has said about finding it a little daunting meeting new people, but there are plenty of us in the same boat and so far everyone seems friendly... with that in mind if any of you are looking to extend your social circles there seems to be various groups within his forum that arrange meets or feel free to pm me & perhaps we can meet over preferred tipples!


All the best



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Guest Mavrick7



In my opinion you should first try short term rental for couple of week and then look around area of your choice for long term rental.


Best of Luck for your move :)



not too sure yet which areas would you reccomend looking at as i dont want to pick a bad one haha! ohh really how much are they? x

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ashbash

Hey, I'm 22 next month and in a similar situation. I'm not emigrating until next year but I'm spending my Uni holidays out in Perth. My Parents and brother already emigrated in 2011. I love spending time with them but would love to have my own social life for when I'm out visiting but also for when I am out there permanently. It would be great to already have some friendly faces to hang out with when I finally take the plunge. I love all the things you mentioned...except the gym - you might have to drag me there. Although I am planning to join an outdoors boot camp when I come out for summer/winter. Need to get fit when its bikini weather 365 days a year!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jenna, I'm in a similar situation to you - moving to Perth on the 11th May. My boyfriend has moved out 3 weeks before me for work and is loving it so can't wait to join him. Be great to meet up if you would like to. Feel free to add me on Facebook Grace Wynne and same pic as on here. Hope your plans are going well, Grace x

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