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Another Newbie to the forum!


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Hi all!


Please be kind...this is my 1st post here!

Family of 3...Myself, Wife and my 6 year old girl.


Hoping to make the move out to Perth at the end of 2014 if all goes to plan!

We will be going on a recce October this year and have already made plans to meet up with possible employers.

My wife is a Childrens Nurse Band 6 and I have my own Electrical business and have been qualified as an Approved Electrician for approx 14 years.


My wife has applied for her ANMAC Skills assesment and has sent it off to be verified and im currently going through VETASSES for my Electrical Verification.


We are hoping to go on a skilled VISA however until we have completed our skills tests we cant send an EOI. Is this correct?


We have read most of the recent posts on here and have found the information really helpful.


Suppose we are just at the very start of a long process however feel very positive about everything at the minute!


Hope to meet up with like minded people once we actually get onto Oz soil!


Chris, Nicola and Isabella

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Chris,


We went to Perth for the first time in Feb and loved it. Our 5 year old daugter can't wait to move so I am sure yours will love it too. Our daughter took back some reading books to school about Kangaroos and Koala's as present to her class. It was a good way to introduce the move to the Teachers gave our little girl the opportunity to talk about her adventure which has really helped her confidence.


Skills assessment seemed to take ages (approved 13th Feb 13), but since that was done, the pace has picked up a bit and in the space of 6 weeks all we are waiting for is meds and police checks.


Where abouts are you going in October?


Stephen, Emma, Georgina (5), Jessica (1)

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