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Recently single heading to Perth- Now what?

Guest aurora

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Guest aurora

Hi all. Newbie to this site!


My girlfriend and I had been planning for a while to come and live in Perth from the U.k. I am an Aussie perminant resident. I am an electrician, and have been preoccupied getting my paperwork together to apply for a Australian recognised trade certificate and haven't been involved in the "what part and where and how much " side of things because my girlfriend was taking care of that.


We have now broken up but I still intend to go. The thing is, I haven't got a clue where a person on their own should go, or where I would stay. I couldn't afford a house on my own and don't have family or friends in Perth, so would I have to doss in a hostel for a few months until I got a job etc..?


Has anyone got any suggestions as to which suburb I should head to in my position with regards to work/accomodation etc...? Or know of any sites that I could use to make some friends in a similar boat to me before I leave? I am literally starting again!




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Hi and welcome.

I can't help with the job but with regards to accommodation try Gumtree. There are lots of shared accommodation listings in it and they may suit you better than a hostel because the occupants will likely be more permanent than a transient backpacker population.


As for making friends prior to leaving, well PP is a good start. Take a look through the forum to see if there are people in a similar position, post up your timeline and you never know, you might find someone in the same boat. (Or on the same flight)


Sorry about the break up, not a good start to your journey.

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Guest Alynew

Hay, I wouldn't worry to much.

I have came over 2 weeks ago. I've been lucky iv been able to stay with a friend.

If I was you I'd rent a room. There are loads on gumtree so I wouldn't worry.

id just look into areas ect.

let me know what you like and as I come across places I can fill you in on info.

don't worry about making friends it will happen easily.

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