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EOI Query

Guest Sidney03

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Guest Sidney03

Hi all,


My partner is a Welder/Fabricator and we tried to get the ball rolling yesterday to hopefully move to Perth.


He completed the EOI in respect of a Subclass 189 Visa (Skilled, independent, permanent) with the intention that myself (we are engaged), our daughter together and my daughter from a previous marriage come out on his Visa.


He has experience of working on the mines in Oz 5 years ago so he meets the requirements with regard to his qualifications. These are obviously UK qualifications however, does he need to do some form of test to translate these into Australian equivalent in order to pass the EOI and have his details considered for a Skills Select Visa application? The reason I ask is because having completed the form (no payment was made), we were simply told that he does not meet the requirements at this time and that we could update the form at any time as it would be kept on file for 2 years.


His nominated occupation is Metal Fabricator and when asked "Does the client have a skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority?" we posted "No" - how do we get this assessment? We have obviously tried the links from the page from can't seem to find any form to complete etc.


Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated please.


Thank you very much.



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Hi bob. I am a nurse and had to have a skills assessment sent to ANMAC. you have to look at the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) on http://www.immi.gov.au, find your occupation on that list and it will tell you who to apply to for a skills assessment. My skills assessment cost $850. To have my skills assessed I have had to have all ID documents, certificates and references etc certified by a notary and send them to ANMAC. I had to take an IELTS test too but I think that only applies to nurses, teachers and accountants. You may just have to prove that you were taught in an English speaking school. I don't know if the same applies to a welder/fabricator but I can't imagine it would be much different.


Hope this helps.



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Guest Sidney03
Hi bob. I am a nurse and had to have a skills assessment sent to ANMAC. you have to look at the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) on www.immi.gov.au, find your occupation on that list and it will tell you who to apply to for a skills assessment. My skills assessment cost $850. To have my skills assessed I have had to have all ID documents, certificates and references etc certified by a notary and send them to ANMAC. I had to take an IELTS test too but I think that only applies to nurses, teachers and accountants. You may just have to prove that you were taught in an English speaking school. I don't know if the same applies to a welder/fabricator but I can't imagine it would be much different.


Hope this helps.




Hi Debs,


Thanks for your response, I have had a look at the assessment form today, It all looks kinda straight forward, although some of the companies that Allan has worked for have shut down so how we go about getting references for those I have no idea. I think I am going to contact our local IELTS test taker to see whether or not we need to spend the additional £125 on the language test.


Thank you very much again for your help.



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Guest Sidney03

Hi, I believe he is a coded welder. When he worked in Oz before he was on the mines as a boilermaker/welder and that's the line of work he hopes to get. We will have a look into it.


Thank you very much

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