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Visa queries


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Hi I'm finding the visa and immigration page pretty mind boggling at the moment! We're hoping to move to Perth when we can find a sponsor for my husband who is a panel beater/sheet metal worker. I've sent off lots of cv's and whilst I'm waiting for replies I thought maybe it might be a good idea to submit and EOI and get the visa that way, then at least once we've got it we can come out and he can find work face to face.


the trouble is he doesn't have any qualifications on paper it's all in the job experience. We do have 3 separate references from different companies he's worked for over the last 10-15 yrs and also a character reference from the first garage he worked at, which we can obviously submit. But on the EOI it asks about are you submitting qualifications, so if I put no surely that will go against us? Also it asks about the english speaking test, how do we overcome that? does he have to do the test and submit it?


When I went through the points criteria ours came to 75/85, so it's well above the 60 but I don't want to jeopardise it by submitting the wrong info. When I did go into what was required for the panel beater skills test/assessment all it gave was a description of what is expected not what we actually need to do?


Many thanks for any help given, oh yes and how much will it cost if I go ahead and apply for the visa directly? :biggrin:xx

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Hi I'm finding the visa and immigration page pretty mind boggling at the moment! We're hoping to move to Perth when we can find a sponsor for my husband who is a panel beater/sheet metal worker. I've sent off lots of cv's and whilst I'm waiting for replies I thought maybe it might be a good idea to submit and EOI and get the visa that way, then at least once we've got it we can come out and he can find work face to face.


the trouble is he doesn't have any qualifications on paper it's all in the job experience. We do have 3 separate references from different companies he's worked for over the last 10-15 yrs and also a character reference from the first garage he worked at, which we can obviously submit. But on the EOI it asks about are you submitting qualifications, so if I put no surely that will go against us? Also it asks about the english speaking test, how do we overcome that? does he have to do the test and submit it?


When I went through the points criteria ours came to 75/85, so it's well above the 60 but I don't want to jeopardise it by submitting the wrong info. When I did go into what was required for the panel beater skills test/assessment all it gave was a description of what is expected not what we actually need to do?


Many thanks for any help given, oh yes and how much will it cost if I go ahead and apply for the visa directly? :biggrin:xx


Hi Cathy99, I am also going over on my trade (carpenter) however i had to submit lots of paper work for immigration to inspect this was apprenticeship certs , reffs, wage slips etc also they were very strict on all paperwork including asking for additional paperwork, also i had to do an IELTS test this was after i had done a practical assesment and the years experience you can claim for points is post apprenticeship , i finished mine in 2004, however i was young at the time so did not bother about cers , however when i went to work on my own 2007 i sent away for my certs, these come back dated 2007, so now on sending my certs away it is classed as me only being time served from 2007 which is 5 years so in this case i did not get to points i thought i was going to get , i am only entitled to time served experience from what my cert states , in this case i dropped i think 10 points. also every process comes at a cost . we used a agent £2000, getting paper worked checked £500 practical was £1000, IELTS £120 visa app £2120 state sponsorship £200, we still need meds etc roughly will be £1000 then of course flights its a very big expense so my advice would be , submit nothing untill you get advice on what happens with your oh having no certs etc, they seem to be very strict on this also every one (depending on visa has to do an IELTS test which is not as easy as it may sound, this is all a long process . good luck

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Guest ClaireLo1980

Your husband's work experience needs to be assesses, checked WA website, and see the assessing authority for his skill, and he will have to sit the IELTS exam here. This information will count towards your points. Whatever yoy think you have points wise deduct 10 points as you always over credit!


You need to submit an EOI but you can't do this until work experience, qualifications have been assessed first.


IELTS is straight forward and its just the normal test he would take, not the academic one.


Hope that helps a bit.



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I think it would be worth having a free assessment and chat with a Migration Agent, just to get your exact points score and to ascertain the correct procedure of application. If you are eligible to go the skilled permanent route, it is always advisable over the sponsored route. In regards to the IELTS, don't underestimate how tricky this can be. I believe there are study books to help so perhaps you can get one from someone who has already sat the test.

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It is an English test. Depending on your circumstances you may not need to do it. I had to have it for my skills assessment, other professions just have to prove they were taught in an English speaking school. It also depends on which visa you are gong on. I was told by a nurse at an expo that if I went on a 457 visa I wouldn't need to take the test at all. I would have a look when the next expo is and go along. I think I paid £10 for my ticket online when I went. The immigration people will give you advice on which visa, how man points and if you need to take the test.



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