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Hello1 useful check list of things wE must do on arrival in Perth.

sunset addict

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Well the flights are booked , we have one way tickets Manchester to Perth 16th June, somewhere to stay and a job!

We are Getting on a bit and looking forward to a 4 year adventure on a 457 visa.


We have Bupa and know we must register for Medicare, anything else we need to do? minds a blank because I have so much on my mind that I must do this end i.e Dog to transport , boxes to ship (any suggestions gratefully recieved), loads of notifications to do, PARTAY to organise, lots of goodbyes and sobbing to do (we are only going for 4 years, for gods sake)


I am not sure what to take with me what to leave behind , and I have to have a mega sort out this end my house which I am leaving in the partially capable hands of my son and his girlfriend is filled to the roof with 10 years of accumulated stuff, and lots of it must go to the tip, be sold or be shipped, but leaving all the big stuff for when we come back.


Living SOR eventually hope to live within 20 mins of Bibra Lake, so will be rental hunting on arrival, but no rush, but cant help wondering what have we forgot????

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Wow... A year ago this was me posting exactly the same post.


like you I'm in my second youth, had dogs to ship, wanted to live SOR. Never thought I could get it to come together, but I'd does.


your doing the right thing in being prepared.


get your dog sorted first cos that takes forever.


rentals, just make the most smarmy pack you can, lots of info on the both of you, what you do etc, talk about family life, get character and employer refs.


dontbe shy about applying for properties in perth before you leave uk. We got a lovely one that we applied for and got while still in the uk, we've now signed up for another year.


once here you will need to apply for Medicare, drivers license, if you. are area you mentioned then head to garden city for medicate and will Willagee for drivers license, although if you are on a 457 you don't need to do but it's handy for a lot of other things,


you will also need a TFN no, that's tax file no. This you can get online


Good luck with it all.

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Hi fifi69


Thanks for your help!


It really is great to hear from someone who has gone through this already,I think it can be a bit more daunting when you are a little more long in the tooth, as you tend to be a bit more cautious with age.

Where in Yorkshire did you move from, my daughter lives in Sheffield, are you settled in now after a year in Perth, and which area are you living in now?

We are going to be in Coolbellup for first few months until we find a rental that will allow our little dog Jess, who will hopefully be shipped mid Aug and finish her quarrantine mid Sept, so we have three months to get that done.

I see you kindly answered one of my other threads about shipping stuff, and suggested the Move Cube I must look into that, it sounds just what we are looking for, as I really have no idea at this point what size we are going to need, as I have yet to decide what to take!

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